That night she didn't even bothered with dinner. She stayed locked up in her room buried beneath her covers. When the morning came she felt the same feeling of dread rise up in her stomach. She was feeing beyond terrified at the mere thought of being in the same vicinity as Damien Richards. She felt a headache coming over making her feel a bit dizzy. She grudgingly got up from her comfortable bed and stood there massaging her temples. She was left with only two options she could either go to college with a mask on so that nobody would recognise her or she could just stay in her comfortable bed and wait for Damien Richards to get his senses back and forget about her existence. It was crystal clear to her that she didn't want to go anywhere near that guy and for that she was even willing to sacrifice her perfect record. So it was decided Cherryl Carter's going to skip college for the first time.

She groaned in frustration and fell back on her bed.

She spent that day and the next day in her bed hiding under the covers. She got up only to take bath or to use washroom or a few times to grab some food. She spent two days trying to gather enough courage to go back to the college but she still wasn't ready. His words from last day were still ringing in her ears 'Just let me take in your enough scent to help us get through the night.' What in the Satan's world  was that suppose to mean. And what was that sniffing and all about? It was like as if he was some animal breathing in the aroma of his food before sinking his teeth in it.

'Wait a minute, was he planning to eat her?' That must be it. Because there would have been no other reason for him sniffing down her neck. He was planning to eat her. Oh God! She was going to die!

Her headache worsened at all the insane thoughts running through her mind.

She was just being lame if she was thinking that she could spend rest of her life laying in the comfort of her bed just because she witnessed a guy turning into a beast. She really needed to get out. Her sister was back from her road trip and was being suspicious of her behaviour. So she gathered up some courage and decided to go for an evening walk after dinner. Her sister literally shoved her out of the house and slammed the door in her face. She gulped and turned around to take a look at her surroundings. She stared at the lonely road and felt paranoid. It was getting dark already and she wanted nothing more than to run back inside the warmth of her house. Finally she managed to push her fear aside and started taking baby steps down the road. When nothing jumped on her from any dark corners she relaxed and continued her walk. Road was nearly deserted. At one side it has rows and rows of houses and on the other side there was forest. She could see all the fireflies twinkling around in the darkness. She immediately felt happy and calm. All her worries and fears gone with the wind. She felt mesmerized at the site of all twinkling fireflies gathered around, some yellow......some blue. She sighed in content and smiled happily.

Wait a minute did she just said blue as in a blue twinkling firefly. She halted to a stop and looked at the fireflies closely. She blinked several times but all she could see were the yellow twinkling fireflies there was no blue colour.

Maybe she's losing her mind. She was phobic of every shade of blue colour from now on all because of some blue eyed beast-boy. She thought and felt angry again.

She groaned in frustration and started stomping her way down the road. She might have only walked for five minutes when a firefly came and sat on her hand. She blew on it but it again rested on the back of her hand after flying a little.

The Beast Inside (Unedited Version)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ