The Power Band

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*Phone ringing*
Ally: Ugh.. What the fuck? *answers phone*

Ally: What the fuck Danny? Why are you calling m-
Danny: Ali Spags booked a club for tonight. Everyone's gonna be there. 7pm, at The PowerHouse. BE THERE ALLY. You're on drum role.
Ally: God.. What breakfast did you take every morning to get all these enthusiasm and shouting.
Danny: REMEMBER ALLY. You better not forget.
Ally: Yeah yeah 7am..
Danny: It' PM Ally! PM.

Ally got up and took a shower to go get some breakfast down the street. Just as she was entering Starbucks she bummed into Stevie.
Ally: I'm sorry are you okay? .. Oh. It's you.
Stevie: Hi.. We meet again.
Ally: Can I just say something?
Stevie: Sure?
Ally: The next time someone ask you for your number, please do not give them a fake one and make a hell out of a fool of them. It's pretty embarrassing.
*ally rushes off as soon as she said that*

Stevie: What was that about? Never mind.
*bzzz bzzz*
M- Ali booked a club tonight, she's doing a show. Wanna go?
S- I don't know Moonshine. I got work to do tonight.
M- You've been home all week. It's time to get out. Also, I promised Ali to get you out there TONIGHT.
S- For the record, I am actually out now.
M- I know, to get Starbucks. Now hurry back with my coffee.

Stevie put her phone away and drove back home.

Stevie: I'm back.
Moonshine: Woah what's that face you got there.
Stevie: What?
Moonshine: You don't look happy.
Stevie: I met this girl yesterday at Taco CoCo and sh-
Moonshine: Was it that Ally girl?
Stevie: I mean I don't understand. I gave her my number yesterday and she bummed into me just now and- ugh. Never mind about it.
Moonshine: Why does it bothers you this much?
Stevie: I don't know but whatever. I'm never gonna walk out of this loop.
Moonshine: Hey don't say that. Why don't you ask her out?
Stevie: I don't have her number.
Moonshine: With fate, you'll meet her again.
Stevie: Like Cupid is on my side. *laughs*
Moonshine: Never mind that. Get your outfit picked. Ali's got someone she's introducing to you.
Stevie: That's thoughtful but not another freak friend she have got isn't it.. The last time I went on a date with Jewel, she stole my phone to text her EX.
Moonshine: Well.. Whoever she's trying to fix you up with this time, just be nice! Life is full of surprises you know? And who knows you'll meet another Ally!

*text to Danny*
A- Danny you coming?
D- I'm picking up Jillian.
A- Mkay I'll drive there.
D- Don't be late Ally.
A- Yeah yeah.

*opens wardrobe*
Ally: I need to be on point as fuck tonight. Ah! Black tank, black skinny ripped jeans, black boots, Black hat. Black on black on black on black.
Kimber: What are you doing Ally?
Ally: Get out! *laughs*

*Phone ringing*
Ally: Hey I was about to-
Ali: Can you come at 6?
Ally: What? But Danny said 7.
Ali: Got to set up.
Ally: Ooooookay whatever you say.
Ali: You might kill me.
A: What are you up to again?
Ali: You'll find out, bye!
*hangs up*
Ally: Well.. bye?

Ally got dressed and head out. She drove to the powerhouse and met up with Ali who is standing across the room.
Ally: Wow how did you get a gig at such a schamcy fanncy place?
Ali: From my abs club.
Ally: *chuckles* Like is that a thing? So what do you need help with?
Ali: Got everything done.
Ally: What? Then why am I here for? Rehearse?
Ali: I just need you to meet someone.
Ally: Who?
*Danny walks in with Jillian*
Ally: What are you doing here? I thought you're coming at 7?
Jillian: As soon as Ali told him about the meet up, he need to see it for himself. *laughs*

A few moments later, Moonshine came in walking towards the group.
Moonshine: Sup guys!
Danny: Hi! I'm Danny and this is my girlfriend Jillian and my best friend Ally.
Moonshine: Ally....?
Ally: Hills?
Moonshine: Oh right! Stevie's in the car refusing to come in.
Ali: I'm gonna go drag her. Excuse me.
*Ali walks out to get Stevie*
Ally: Did you just say Stevie or am I hearing things?
Moonshine: I did. Is it jinxed or what? I was just saying something about meeting another Ally earlier.
Ally: Another Ally?
Moonshine: Yeah long story.

Ali was pulling Stevie by the arm dragging her through the door.
Stevie: Alright alright I'll go! You're tearing my shirt!
*Stevie and Ally both exchanged looks*
Ally: Ali? Is this who you want me to meet? *walking towards stevie*
Ali: Yeah this is-
Stevie: We met. Ally, can I speak to you in private?
Ali: Sure but why?
Stevie: No, Hills. Ally Hills. Can I speak with you?
Ally: After you.

Ally followed stevie into the bathroom.
Moonshine: What is going on?
Danny: Who cares let them sort it out. Let's get the party drinks ready!

*In the bathroom*
Ally: What?
Stevie: Can you just spare me 5 minutes before getting impatient?
Ally: Look. I'm not mad or anything. It's totally your call to give me a fake number. It's fine. You don't owe me an apology. I asked for it anyway.
Stevie: Lend me your phone please?
Ally: For?
Stevie: Just. Hand it to me.

Ally hesitated for a bit before handing Stevie her mobile.
Stevie: Look. The ink must've smudged. It's 9. Not 8. I just need to show you this to clear everything.
Ally: I'm an idiot.
Stevie: No you're not, I think you're really cool and I do want to hang out with you. I just don't have your number or anything to expla-
Ally: *dialling Stevie's phone* Now you have.
Stevie: I'm just glad it's cleared. Shall we head out?
Ally: After you lady.

Ally smiled and held the door for Stevie. Both girls joined the group around the table soon after.
Ali: Ally you ready to go?
Ally: Oh shoot. Let's go!
Stevie: Where are you going?
Ally: I'm the drummer!
Stevie: You are?
Danny: Course she is. *laughs*

Stevie sat beside Moonshine while Ally, Danny and Ali got on stage. They enjoyed the rest of the power band.

Stevie: That was awesome!
Moonshine: Guys I'm heading back, Stevie you coming?
Ally: It's still early!
Moonshine: I got to work on a costume I promised. *laughs*

Ally looked over at Stevie hoping that she'll stay.
Stevie: I'd love to stay but I rode with Moonshine so..
Ally: I can drive you!
Stevie: Oh. Um. Yeah then I guess I'll stay.
Ally: Awesome! I'll go get drinks.
Moonshine: Stay safe ;)

Moonshine gave everyone a hug and winked at Stevie.

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