elghh help

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In the 3rd grade this girl Brianna
has like always went for me. This is how it went.

The last I remember was at school and this... " hey Brianna" I said "hey hoe" she said back I had no idea what it meant really at that time.  " what" my friend jaci said and came over " Brianna u need to stop all this it's not cool and if u think it is well than u don't got no mind!" She said like almost like a screeming and Brianna and Jaci are enimes.

And like I remember a bit later me and her we're friends and we'll this is how it went...

J= Jaci
O= me

on the phone jaci

O: Her Jaci can u come over.

J: sorry my dad is fixing the pipes down on Nathan and my mom said I can't leave hang out with anyone till he's done.

(Jaci's dads grandpa is the founder of where I live)

O: oh Ok I understand

J: Ok bye

O: Ok bye see u later

So me and Brianna we're friends so...

On the phone Brianna


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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