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“Damn, where is my phone” I yelled as I ran around my apartment trying to find it. I ran down to my car thinking I may have left it there when I got home from work last night. “YES YES YES” I screamed kissing it, when I found it in the console. I turned it on to find six missed calls from my best friend Teesh. I rang Teesh back she was probably really worried I hadn’t answered her all day. ‘ring ring’ “hey Grace why haven’t you been answering my calls”

“hey sorry Teesh I couldn’t find my phone this morning and I found it in the car haha, so what is so important that you need to keep ringing me?”

“Um well you know that boy band from the x factor that you said looked cute”


“well would you like to come with me to see them perform at Queen Street Mall tomorrow??”

“yes Teesh I would love to come” I may have screamed into the phone

“ok getting excited already Grace haha, ok see you tomorrow, I will pick you up at nine so we can be there early”

“haha ok cya my swaggle”

Yes we call each other swaggle. But I cannot wait until tomorrow. It is going to be amazing to see them perform live.

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