Chapter Two

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I was awoken by lips sucking on my neck and someone pressing up against me from behind. Post-party depression struck me as I remembered that I had sex with a guy the previous night and I didn't have any regrets. I sighed and rolled over to face Mason. As he looked at me with those big blue eyes could feel my cheeks reddening instantly. How can you not be blushing when a guy with such a perfect jawline, full lips in a permanent pout and blue eyes could be anywhere in the world right now but he's laying next to you. We lay silent for a few minutes just staring at each other not saying anything. He leaned forward and gave me a kiss and then passionately sucking on my bottom lip. The way he did this circulated blood all the way to my cock. I knew I wouldn't resist doing everything we did the previous night again. He pulled me over and placed my body on top of his. I felt him hardening against my thigh. My heart started racing faster and I could no longer keep to my breathing pattern. I started breathing heavily. I closed my eyes and tried to control myself. Immediately I removed myself from his body. I glanced at him before leaving the room.

The warm water falling from the shower onto my body made me feel revived and cleansed. I was finally in full control of my body. I finally had time to think. I shouldn't see too much into this whole situation. He was in College and I was in High School so I guess the way we think about things differ. My skin started burning as I realised that I was standing under a luke warm shower. I opened the shower door and reached out for a towel. I wrapped the towel around my waist and made my way back to the room. Mason wasn't in the room and neither were my bag equipted with everything I needed for the few coming weeks.

"Mason?" my voice echoed through the empty house.

"I'm in the kitchen," he calmly answered.

His voice seemed rather calm and didn't have any sense of guilt or mainly any emotion connected to our passionate night and post-party tease in the bedroom just about an hour ago. He was standing in his boxers with his back facing me.

"Do you perhaps know where I put my clothes?"

" We haven't taken anything out of the car yet so I assume its probably still in the car," he said while turning to face me. As our eyes meet he bit his lower lip and stared out in front of him as if he was having a momentarily realisation of some sort. His eyes moved from mine, to the towel around my waist. I could  see his penis moving around and hardering up against his body. He shoved his hand in his boxers and held onto his erect penis.

"I hope we're okay though," he said while burying his eyes into my face.

"In what way?" I asked feeling his eyes burning into my skin.

"You know exactly what I mean." He gave a sly smile and turned around. He bended foreward  and reached out in front of him. He turned around and gave me the keys to his car. "If you need any help just shout, I'll be over here in the kitchen cooking up some pancakes."

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