chapter 16 - ...And Then There Were None

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Crowley: (voice over from 6.10 Caged Heat) "Not only did you kill Brett Blake for me to bring Catty Winchester back into the hunting fold, but when you poisoned her, the toxin you gave her has kept her so angry this entire time, so bloodthirsty, so cold and numb to who she is. I have her right where I want her."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in Brigitta's Cell, Catty slashed into Brigitta's neck with the knife dipped in blood, making her scream. "Why?"

"He told me to," Brigitta answered. "He said he needed you."

Catty stabbed the knife into her leg, making Brigitta groan a scream. "Who?"

Brigitta looked at Catty in hate, breathing heavily. "He's already dead. Crowley."

From 6.11 "Appointment in Samarra", in the hallway of Crowley's Monster Prison, Catty cut off either of Brigitta's arms, slashing into her with the machete until it looked like an animal had torn her apart.

Catty: (voice over from 6.10 Caged Heat) "She killed Brett, she nearly killed three other people, one of them being a six month old baby, and you let her live!"

From 6.10 "Caged Heat", in Crowley's Monster Prison's hallway, The Demons pulled Ness down the hallway, past Samuel. Samuel just stood by the window and watched as they took Ness away.

From 6.10 "Caged Heat", in Dean's Cell, Dean looked out of the window in his door, to see the Demons pull Ness away and Samuel just standing by. "Ness?"

Dean hit the door in anger.

From 6.10 "Caged Heat", in Catty's Cell, Catty spoke to Samuel through her locked cage door, looking at him with pure anger and hatred. "So, tell me. Who's really the monster in this story?"  

"What exactly are you supposed to be to me?" Samuel asked.

"I'll tell you who I am," Catty told him. "I'm the girl you never want to see again. The next time you see me, I'll be there to kill you."

From 6.01 "Exile on Main St.", in the abandoned house, Gwen looked at Catty. "Hey."

"Hi," Catty told her.

"Gwen Campbell," Sam told her. "Third cousin."

From 6.02 "Two and a Half Men", in the Campbell Compound, Gwen shot Shapeshifter!Samuel in the back twice.

Sam: (voice over from 6.01 Exile on Main St.) "They grew up in the life, like us."

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in Bobby's House, Ness looked at Dean, Catty and Sam. "I'm thinking you know 'Purgatory'."

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", on the cliff, the woman the Dragons had thrown into the pit levitated back up to the edge of the cliff. Her eyes were glowing red. Her arms and legs were burning like embers.

Bobby: (voice over from 6.12 Like a Virgin) "This is all about opening a door to let something in."

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", in Bobby's library, Sam looked at Bobby and Ness. "What?"

"We're working on it," Bobby told them.

"Could you give us something?" Dean asked.

"We got a name," Ness told them. "Mother of All."

From 6.12 "Like a Virgin", on the cliff, Mother looked at the two Dragons. "We have so much to do." She smirked. "Let's get started."



Worlds Colliding (Supernatural) Book Sixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن