I got off Louis running to Ava room seeing she was Ashely helping Niall. She normally don't like helping people carrying thing that Involved Her pick up something that wasn't food i was suprise of her. While they was taking something out I was in the way

Ava Marie: Mommy Move out the way i am helping Niall 

Naeva:Since when did you start moving thing  

Ava Marie:when Niall Came 

Naeva:Ohhh So you Like Niall better than me 

Ava Marie:No I like Niall first then You Mommy then Daddy 

Naeva:Okay Well I am about to finish in my room 

I got out the way going back into my room seeing it was half way empty Louis been working getting shit out my room he must be ready for me to come and leave with him or something. While I was walking to his Room I saw there was a picture of me and Louis on the Floor I pick it up.


Louis POV

We finally are at my House bring everything into my flat I have to say alot of things went into Storage because I already had a bed for her and it was just Ava stuff that was really coming into th extra room that is going to be her bed room now.


*Done Moving*

Everything was done and the lads was gone back to there house now I was in the house alone with my little Family and Right Now Naeva was cuddle up in my arm and so was Ava Marie was the same Ava was falling asleep. I was sitting down just looking at Naeva she changes alot Her hair color she gain a couple pounds from having Ava but she still look hot.

Naeva:What are you looking at

Louis:I am looking at you look Hot

Naeva:Louis my body is the same 

Louis:No it not you was skinny but now you gain some wait and you cut your hair. I remember you tell me you was never cutting you hair or dying it again

Naeva:I know I remember but I want to change it after I had Ava Marie so I did 

Louis:It a cute color on you 

Naeva:Thanks Louis

Louis:What are you going to be doing for your Birthday 

Naeva:What I did the last couple of Birthdays stay at home with my daughter 

Louis: Nope I am taking you out plan for my mom to watch her while I take you out 

Naeva:Umm okay but you don't have to  

Louis got up taking Ava to the Room I got up from the couch going into his room changing into me some different clothes. I walk back into the front room seeing Louis was laying on the couch 

Naeva:Louis you can come and lay in your bed with me 

Louis:Naw I am straight on the Couch 

Naeva:Louis come in the bed 


I went over by Louis sitting on him he was asking me to get up but I was shaking my head no because I wanted him to come and lay in the bed with Me because I am afraid to sleep in New places by myself. when we move into the house Ava had to sleep with me for a month until I got use to sleeping there.

Louis:Get off 

Naeva:No Come in there and Sleep with Me Louis

Louis: I told you I was sleeping on the couch so that wear I am sleeping 

Naeva:well i am not getting off of you 

Louis:Come On Now Naeva 

Naeva:Louis don't think about doing

Louis:Get off before I roll you on the floor

Naeva:You would Dare

Louis made me fall on floor I got up off the Floor going into Ava Room Since Louis didn''t wanna sleep in the bed with me. I was getting Confrontable in the bed when Louis came in the room

Louis:Come on I sleep in the bed with you 

Naeva:Thank you 

We walk into his room I lay down in the bed waiting for Louis to come over. He climb in bed and I moved back to him putting his arm around me like he used to do when I was Pregnant with Ava Marie.

Is Naeva starting to Open up To Louis????

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