The Death & Resurrection Of The Holly Lamb

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Cherish your time and build up your soul while u still have Time because you will forever wait for the so called "Time" but trust me Time will neither wait for you nor alert you.....

Right after those days of suffering, " the sun will become Dark and the moon will no longer Shine.
The stars will fall and the powers in the sky will be shaken."
The a sign will appear in the sky. And there will be the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. At the sound of a loud trumpet, he will send his angels to bring his chosen ones together from all over the Earth. We find this in the Holly Bible "Matthew 24:29-31."
Only those who are wise will notice the coming of the Holly Lamb the same way we see " a fig tree starting to sprout and putting out it's leaves and know that Summer is near"...

All the Years Jesus Christ lived on earth, it wasn't him living but God in him.
Jesus walked upon the waters for you. All he did was to show what we are capable of doing once we abide with Christ. Coz our God never changes he is the Alpha & Omega, " the beginning and the End" Son of God King of Kings, Lord of lords, He is Everything, Messiah, Jehovah ,The prince of peace.... the way he was before is the same way he is and the same way he will be for eternity.

The Blind will See
The Deaf will Hear
The Dead will Live again
The Lame will Leap
The Dumb will Speak the Praises of the LAMB!
How powerful is the Son of God!

Jesus said that we were given power that will do more than he did.
He calmed the sea with his hand
He brought the dead to life
He gave sight to the blind
And so many more...
Your faith is the key to this power. Where do your faith lie? Is it in Money? Or in God?
Well Money will buy you slaves of digging away the mountain for you to make way but with God only your Faith will move mountains in a blink of an eye! Whom do you serve once again?

Time came when Jesus told his disciples and Pharisees that The temple was soon going to be destroyed and after three days that it will be rebuilt again. But the Pharisees laughed because they never knew the meaning of what he was talking about!
He was talking about his body that was soon going to be sput on and beaten and later crucified on the cross!
If God managed to spend 40 days in the desert fasting what about you?
God knew that he was soon going to be crucified on the cross and brought to shame but it never stopped him from continuing the journey, he had the whole clear picture of what was going to happen to him but he never restrained due to the love he had from both me and you.
He carried all your sins on that heavy cross. He stored all your diseases In his wounds. And above all he promised Eternal life with him once you believe in him and do as he asks you to. Our God is a jealous God, he feels jealousy whenever he sees you with another master(gods) once he did everything for you. But he gave you the right to choose for yourselves who you will serve!

"At noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until three o'clock then about that time Jesus shouted Eli, Eli, lema sabachtani? Which means, My God, My God, why have you deserted me?
Some of the people standing there heard him and said, he is calling for Elijah. One of them at once ran and grabbed a sponge. He soaked it in wine, then put it on a stick and held it up to Jesus. Others said,wait! Let's see if Elijah will come and save him. Once again God shouted and died. At once the curtain in the temple was torn in two parts from top to bottom. The Earth shook, and rocks split apart. Graves opened and many if God's people were raised to life! "Matthew 27:45-52

" Thebes after Jesus had risen to life they came out of their graves and went Into the holy city, where they were seen by many people"  Matthew 27:23

How powerful is the blood of the Holy lamb ? Jesus came to Earth only to die for your sins and resurrect in power and in truth. He conquered death for you and me! He fought the devil for only you and Me..
Yes let me be proud of being a Jesus_Freak because I have a Father who calls me his own, he never leaves me no matter where I go! Ooh God how great is your unending Love for me!

Hurray, Hurray My God still lives!!'"*,*':

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