The Reason Why He Is Angry (His pov of break-up)

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Punch upon punch. They would stop at some point but he would never love the same again. His heart crush into pieces. He had just ruined something that he loved, broken the person he loved more then anything. He still loved her, she was his anything.

The boy sits on a bean bag in his bedroom. His door locked and muisc playing blasting so loud no one can here his sobs. A video game controller laid beside him, 'Call Of Duty' in the xbox. He keeps dieing over and over again on the screen but he can't find the will to fight back or turn off the game. Feeling the of dieing inside, pains him.

The night replayed in his mind over and over again. The way she looked when she first saw her in the park. How her eyes sparkled when she pulled way from a kiss. Her hands were cold tonight but she looked amazing in his jacket. So sweet and beautiful, what use to be his.

He felt like someone had stabbed him in the heart, he felt like he was dieing. Losing someone you care about more then your own life can do that to a person. He would have jump in front of a bullet to save her. So why did he leave?

Fear, the thing that ruins everything that in life. He was afraid she was going to leave him, his friend had talk to him saying she was going to leave, and she wasn't worth it anymore. This was a huge mistake, and he regreted it when he saw the first tear fell down her rosey cheek. It was all his fault...

His hair messing from all the times he had ran his fingers through it. Their last converseation still in his mind. Her lovely laugh echo in his mind over and over again. Regret and pain, as one thing is clear to him and rufuses to leave his head.

'She'll never take me back'

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