dedication hehuhehu

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Okay so this first chapter is going to be a dedication rather than a rant.

This is a dedication to each and every one of you who have made my wattpad experience worth making.

This truly is an amazing place full of amazing people and i don't know what I would do without you all.

In real life... Well, I have no friends. So to come on here everyday and be greeted my multiple people that genuinely love me, well that really means the world to me.

I just love you guys so much. I can't even express how much you all mean to me. I love you all <3

Not to mention that I love being on here and making graphics. I never thought that I would find a passion in graphic designing when I first joined and well, I am really glad I did ahaha

So yeah thank you

And this is where I shall end bc I could ramble on for hours.

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