Chapter 2

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Hey new chap! I am so proud of myself, I rarely get to type up and finish second chapters on my stories...

Oh well...

DISCLAIMER: I do not own the Harry Potter series, otherwise I wouldn't be writing on this site.

Neville pet the owl and attached a letter to it's leg. He opened the window and let the bird fly out. He sat down at the table and smiled at Petunia Dursley, who just entered the kitchen. She cocked her head to the side asking a silent question.

"That was to Dumbledore, requesting that Harry and I go to Hogwarts."

"What about Lily and all her little friends? They teach at Hogwarts don't they?"

"They do, but I made sure to make Harry a fake name, Harry Devens."


"A combination of Dursley and Evens, it was the only thing I could think of that could be so obvious yet a secret."

"Thank you Neville." Petunia said Neville smiled before reclining in his chair waiting for his best friend and the reply from Dumbledore.

Dumbledore sat at his desk with a sad determined look in his eyes.

"Please Remus; we need you to teach at Hogwarts."

"You know I can't Albus." The werewolf replied with a sad tone in his voice.

"But I can bypass the Ministry rules, you are the best of the best and I want you to teach."

"It's not that Albus, I simply can not teach if Lily, James and Sirius teach here." Dumbledore was about to reply when suddenly a snow white owl flew in and landed in-between the two men. Dumbledore lent over and picked up the letter tied to the owl's leg and read it.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

My friend, Harry Devens and I were offered tuition at Hogwarts for our first year, but we turned it down.

This was because at the time we had some issues to do with teachers at Hogwarts and my Grandmother thought it would be a good idea to train us separately in order to get the time and attention she thought that students needed that was not available at Hogwarts.

We have both gotten near full marks in our OWLs and we would like to request that we attend Hogwarts for our final year of schooling and our NEWTs.

If you accept, could you please send a list of teachers needed and books with Hedwig.

Thank you,

Neville Longbottom and Harry Devens.

p.s. we would like to do the following subjects: Transfiguration, Charms, Potions, Defense Against the Dark Arts and Herbology.

Dumbledore glanced up from the letter and passed it to Remus, surveying the werewolf over the top of his glasses.

"Please come and teach Remus, you know we need you. Especially now since Mr. Longbottom has come out of 16 years of hiding."

"But, what about Lily, James and Sirius? They have changed over the years; I don't know what has happened to make them so different. They haven't been the same in years, I don't know what Sirius thinks, James' personality changes every ten seconds and Lily isn't the same, she hasn't been the same since that night. I don't know them anymore; they're not the friends I remember."

"I know, I know. I think that there is something wrong with James Remus, I don't know what. Please, try and save your friends. I know that we can bring them back."

"Fine, but if anything awful happens, it is your fault."

"Naturally my boy, naturally." Remus bowed slightly and walked out of the room, leaving Dumbledore alone.

"Well Fawkes, I better start on this list." Dumbledore said a hint of happiness in his voice.

Harry groaned as he opened his eyes and sat up, he could hear talking downstairs so he put on his dressing gown and headed to the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes beneath his glasses and yawned as he sat down, grabbing the cereal and milk for his breakfast. Neville passed him a bowl and he slowly started eating, avoiding eye-contact with anyone in the room. Suddenly an owl flew in and landed in front of Harry.

"Excellent, it's here." Neville exclaimed.

"What is?" Dudley asked.

"The list of Hogwarts professors." Neville answered. Harry unrolled the parchment and stared in shock at the list of teachers and the attached letter.

Dear Mr. Longbottom and Mr. Devens,

It would be my pleasure to have the two of you coming to Hogwarts for your 7th and final year of official schooling. Here is a list of teachers for the subjects you are taking:

Minerva McGonagall, James Potter and Sirius Black (Transfiguration)
Professor Sprout (Herbology)
Filius Flitwick and Lily Potter (Charms)
Severus Snape and Sirius Black (Potions)
Remus Lupin and James Potter (DADA)

As you can see the teachers for Transfiguration, Charms, Potions and DADA are shared classes. This is now ministry protocol in order to protect a certain student. Your booklist has not been issued yet unfortunately but you should get it within the week.

Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster.

Harry passed the note to Neville as he sunk into deep thought. He was going to see his family and friends and just everyone. After the war finished he had given up hope, but now he had hope, and he had someone with him to help him through this life. He hadn't talked to Neville privately once since he had told him of Bellatrix's fate, he was too scared; but now he wanted to clear things up.

"Nev, can I talk to you in my room?"

"Sure Harry." Neville replied, handing the note to his Grandmother and followed Harry to his room.

"What is it Harry?" Neville asked as they sat down on the bed to talk.

"I need talk to you."

"You are talking to me."

"About the war."

"Sure, I want to know what happened."

"I think the main battle started right after your death, I was so mad at Bellatrix for killing you and Sirius I just snapped. I killed her in less than two seconds. Narcissa was there the moment I killed her and she was so upset, it wasn't until that moment that I remembered that Bellatrix had a family, a sister who she loved, I felt guilty, there were plenty of other things I could have done. She grabbed Hermione and left, going to Malfoy Manor. We set out to rescue her the next day but when we got there we were ambushed. We fought hard to find her and eventually after many of the death eaters either ran away or died we found her. It was awful Nev; they used her body as a way to tell us that the war had officially started, by the time we retrieved her body the manor had been abandoned. We had lost a lot of people in that attack and there was no trace of Luna. She had been with us as we took Hermione's body down but then she disappeared. A week later we only had to destroy Voldemort's physical body. Everyone died in that, Lupin, Tonks, Fred, George, McGonagall, Flitwick, Snape, Bill, Charlie, Ron, even Percy fought on our side, but then when it was time for the last battle between Voldemort and me; he fired an Avada that I couldn't dodge."


"Ginny took it for me; she died for me, smiling, smiling in hope of a better world." Harry said before he broke down. Neville sighed at his poor friend before rubbing his back slightly.

"It'll be okay Harry, we won't let that happen to this world."


Hope you liked it, I value your input, as long as it is not a flame... I dunno when I will update but I think it will be soon...

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