Chapter 7

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Tobias places his hand on my waist as we walk to the cafeteria. He nibbles my ear making me giggle.

"Tobias stop!" I say.

"Nope!" He says popping the 'p'."I love you.."

I smile and stare at him while wrapping my arms around his neck." I love you too...." I say while smiling.

"I love you three.." He says. I stand on my tip toes and press my lips to his.

"I love you Four.." I murmur in his lips. He kisses back and it becomes a full make out session. Someone whistles behind us. We quickly break apart to see. Christina?!

At first I thought it was Peter...

"We have to get going love birds!!" She says. Tobias and I blush.

He takes my hand in his and we walk to the cafeteria.


I take my tray which is filled with dauntless cake and drop it on the table.

Uriah and Tobias stare at my tray. I smile and feed it to Tobias.

"Huh? What about me?!?!" Uriah whines.

"Get it from your girlfriend!!!" I say.(Just so u know.. In this fanfic.. Shauna is not paralyzed and Marlene's not dead)

By then Marlene drops her tray on the table.

"What's up?" She asks.

"Uriah.. Whining like a baby!!" I say.

She nods." Okay, normal as ever.." She mumbles.

"Hey!!!" Uriah yells.

"So, how did you sleep?" Marlene asks.

"Funny you should ask I had th-- hey.. Don't TRY to change the subject!!!" He says.

I laugh at his stupidity. Classic Uriah..

Move OnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora