Recoveries and Jealousies

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Okay, so I am going to change stuff in the train ride. They met with Luna first and Neville wasn't there until after they received the news.

Harry was sitting in a compartment with Ginny Weasley and Luna Lovegood.

Luna is very interesting with her knowledge about the nargles and crumple-horned snorkacks. Even though Harry and Ginny thought it was silly, they still paid attention to Luna and Harry absentmindedly thought of her as a friend.

After a few moments of laaughing at something Luna said, the compartment door slid open revealing the Weasley twins.

"Hey, we just came to warn you about Neville. He's gone mad!" Fred warned.

"We reckon he's already gone mental and needs to be charged into St. Mungos," George commented.

Then they closed the door and left.

"What happened to Neville?" Harry asked.

"Haven't you read the Daily Prophet?" Ginny inquired.

"Only the first page. Why?"

Ginny was about to answer when the compartment door slid open again and revealed a beaming Neville Longbottom.

"Er- Hello Neville," Harry greeted.

"Harry! Ginny too! Can I seat with you? No where else is available."

"Oh, sure," Harry said as he scooted nearer to the window a little bit to give Neville space, although Harry didn't really need to scoot seeing as the compartment is still spacious.

"Have you heard the news, Harry?" Neville asked excitedly.

"Er- What news?" Harry asked uncertainly.

It was obvious that Neville had already shared this news to anyone who would listen.

"You don't know? Haven't you been reading the prophet? Oh, well anyway, you wouldn't believe what happened a month ago."

"Why? What happened?" Harry was now very curious. Whatever it was, it was very good.

"Well, gran and I were visiting mum and dad at St. Mungos after getting supplies from Diagon Ally. We were surprised when we saw at least a dozen doctors in the room. We didn't mind at first but when we noticed they were all gathered on the same spot. Me and gran rushed to check, pushed past the doctors, and there we saw my parents looking all irritated. I was of course shocked. Then the rest was history. I swear gran almost had a heart attack!" Neville narrated.

Harry just sat there. He can't think of anything to say. Or he just didn't want to say anything.

After a few moments, Harry decided to speak up.

"That's great Neville! Now you'll finally know the feeling of having parents!" Harry said in fake enthusiasm.

"Thanks Harry. Too bad you didn't see them on the platform. They said they were good friends with your parents and worked a couple of missions with them during their time. Mum cried a lot when she heard about it. She said she was best friends with your mum," Neville continued.

Harry's ears perked up at this.

Neville's mum was best friend with his mum. Maybe, just maybe, he would know more about his mother.

Just when Ginny opened her mouth to speak, the compartment door slid open revealing Ron and Hermoine.

Turns out they already knew about Neville's parents. He grew angry at them for a split second because they didn't tell him sooner, but thought that maybe Hermoine had convinced Ron that it was Neville's story to tell.


A few days later Ron and Harry had a row.

Well, they didn't exactly argue. Harry just got angry when Ron was trying to make him feel better.

Hermoine had already dragged Ron away before he can make Harry feel worse, but he can't help but wonder wether Ron was right. After all, Neville is one of his closest friends. He should be feeling happy for his friend rather than sulking in the corner, wishing the same thing will happrn to him even though he perfectly knew it was beyond impossible.

Harry felt rather foolish of himself.

There he was, wishing he had parents, not knowing the love and care the people around him are giving him. He had more people loving him than he deserves and he wasn't even acknowledging them. And besides, he's got Remus and Sirius to tell him more of his father and now he's got one of his mother's best friends to tell him more of her.

Sirius and Remus might be able to tell him of what his mother was like but Harry is sure that Alice Longbottom knows more of her than his father's friends.

He got up and went to the great hall. He found two of his best friends immediately and apologized.

Somehow he felt like something is terribly wrong like the laws of nature has been defied.

There. I made Frank and Alice Longbottom because I think it's unfair to Neville that Harry got his parents back when they rose from the dead while he's got living parents that doesn't even know how to speak anymore. My fanfic so deal with it. More surprises to come.


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