part 1

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The hole on the side of her black converse became even more visible once the young cat poked its small stout nose into it. Skye hated cats. Simply the idea of a feline, 4 legged animal with fur and teeth bared scared her to goosebumps. Her rather displeasing incidents with the species had more so threw her in the direction of her hostility.

Skye ignored it. She sighed.

She stood on the sidewalk. The harsh wind  lapping around her.  She grabbed her hoodie even tighter around her , her knuckles turning white. Her feet moved forward. They carried her. Her eyes were on the cracks the sidewalk had.

Step on a crack. Break your mothers back.

The words echoed from her childhood, resounding to her adolescence.

She placed her soft, shaking palm onto the glassed door and pushed it open. The warmth of the coffee shop buried her in a sudden desire to stay there for some time. And then some. A short stout manager came waddling like a penguin to her. He looked up to Skye. His glasses hanging on the bridge of his nose. His brown eyes searching. He asked , finally after some long seconds of scrutinization.

"Skylar, I presume?"

"You presume correct."

His nod was swift and almost imperceptible.

They understood each other.


"The job is simple really, you clean the back room. And keep the front clean too on Tuesdays. That's Layls day off. You're also in charge of the coffee station. That's in high demand. So you're going to be busy there. I've given you your booklet of instructions and they have all details about salary, holidays, timings. Do go over page 6 thoroughly. Any questions, don't ask. Just read. Understood?"

She nodded.


The darkness came that night. And Skye welcomed it. She trudged her way to the parking lot. Her hands jiggling a set of keys. Her wrist flicked.



She caught them. And repeated the motion 2 seconds later. Throwing them in the air.



"Is there a reason you're here?"

A petite woman asked. She looked young. Maybe 50's? Skylar guessed. She always sucked at that.

"Erm......This is Davidson High School. I'm not mistaken, am I?"


AYYAYAYAYA. Second chapter is up. Well first one was a prologue but yeah. It has nothing of much and I guess I'm just starting off the story. But going along there's going to be a whole lot of a lot more. So please read, vote & comment.
You know who I am, LOVLIES,

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