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The Doctor ran frantically around the TARDIS, trying to settle her down. She was going completely insane, lights flashing, sirens blaring.

"What's wrong, girl?" He pulled out his blue-tipped sonic screwdriver and zapped the screen with it. A map came up, with a small area highlighted in blue. "Why on earth do you want to go there? It doesn't look like there's ANYTHING in this 'Star's Hollow' place......"

Before he could do anything about it, the motor started up.

"No! No no no no! What are you doing??" He tried to change the course, but it was already too late. They landed. "Oh, come on..... I wish you would have at LEAST let me pick up Donna before we did our adventuring..... Ah well. Might as well see where we are. Allons-y!"

The Doctor jumped back in surprise when he opened the doors to find a very angry looking Korean woman staring him right in the face.

"Erm..... Hello!" He grinned and waved.

"Why you interrupt church with magic box?" She snapped. "Magic is devil's work! Not belong in church! You leave now!"

"It's not magic....." He stated weakly. She was TERRIFYING!

"Whatever it is, it does not look Godly! I said leave!" She pointed furiously to the door.

"Ah- alright. I'll park somewhere else......" He was about to duck back into the TARDIS, but she intervened.

"No! No using magic witchcraft box! Walk. You have legs." She grabbed his arm and led him to the door. He ran out without resistance.

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