Chapter 2 - Mommy, No!

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Chapter 2  - Mommy, No!

“Mom , I don’t understand how you can’t feel bad about this move,” Brand complained.


His mother kept her eyes on the road as they drove through their new town. “The rent is cheaper.”


“But we had so much back home. Aren’t you going to miss your friends?”


“I’m an adult Brand, taking care of my responsibilities matter more. The hospital here pays well and we got an apartment twice the size for almost half the price. We can always drive back home on the weekends or even video chat.”


“I need my friends. They help with my webshow.”


Colleen laughed. “They hold the camera. I’m sure you can find a new friend to hold a camera.”


Bran’sd mood soured even more as they drove pass the high school he would be attending, Harrison High. At his old school he was well-known for his webshow. It was him usually talking about random topics and making fun of teachers. He never predicted he would be yanked from the midpoint of his tenth year and tossed into a new crowd of classmates. The only good thing about this move was that he had a reason to stall on uploads, he recently entered a bit of creators block.


A loud bang against the locker awoke Brand from his memory and placed him back into reality. As he slowly parted his eyes he spotted a zombie, Hector to be exact, banging against the locker door. Brand instantly went into panic mode. He noticed that he couldn’t feel anything. His legs and hands were numb from being squeezed in the tight space for so long. If Hector broke into the locker, Brand knew it would end here.

“Help,” He eked out.

The sound of his voice only made Hector more aggressive. The zombie growled and started to bang his body against the locker. Brand noticed the lock inside the locker was coming loose a bit each time Hector collided with door. He tried to force his body to recover quickly, finally able to move his fingers a bit. Still, Brand knew he wasn’t prepared to defend himself. If he tried screaming again it would only make Hector more violent or even attract more zombies.

Brand shut his eyes as a tear ran down his cheek. Under his breath he said, “Mom.”

Hector’s growling went silent as his body collided with the locker door again. Brand opened his eyes to discover a pencil had been shoved through the zombies head. Hector’s limp body dropped to the left and behind him stood a fair-skinned guy with glasses heavily panting. A bit of blood was splattered on the white uniform polo shirt they all wore. The stranger opened the locker and Brand fell into his arms.

Brand looked at him, gaining enough strength to wipe tears from his face. “Thank you.”

“No, problem and I’m John.”


John nodded. “The new guy, right?”

“I guess so. How are you still alive?”

John struggled to help Brand stand upright. “How about we talk and move, this hall isn’t safe.”

Brand agreed with the plan and hung onto John as they fled from the hall. 

Zombie Highजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें