17 2 3

Who shall open his door?

In the dead of the night?

To voices that adore

All the while set affright.

My feet felt the cold floor

In my distraught, I rose.

Curious with the tapping on my door

Right in front my nose.

My pup churns,

Barking at the door

Troubled stirred, he turns

Disquieted like never was before.

I took him in my arm

Wrapped between my chest

He felt safe from harm

But still troubled nonetheless.

I stepped close to the door

And peeked through its peep-hole

To see this ill-timed visitor.

A kid without a soul.

The kid is twelve-years-old high

In his casual attire.

But what brought him by,

Instead to his own home retire?

His skin is pale,

His hair, dark black.

Rocking like his lower limbs will fail

Making a rattling clack.

There is a sense of doom

While gazing at this eerie kid

In the ambiance of this dark room.

There's a panic I cannot rid.

His eyes remained on the floor

Until I peeked again

He touched the door,

And that was when..

From what I did see  

Fear gained on me

His eyes black as the night

There's not a fraction of light

I withdrew myself from the door

As dread gripped my heart

It beats so fast like it never did before

As I saw the Devil's art.

"Please, open the door" the kid implore

Beckoning me to let him in.

As if he can see me from behind the door.

Which gives me goosebumps on my skin.

"Please let us in"

Now with a chiding tone

The dark room devouring me from within.

I felt so alone.

He continued knocking on my door

As I sat staring at it in awe

Settled dumbfounded on the floor

This fear, my indomitable foe.

There was never a restful night since then;

That night with that BLACK EYED KID.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2015 ⏰

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