Chapter 4 - Everything That Glitters

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Cora followed her daughter out of the library. Zelena was preoccupied, way to worried about this book and the dangers it posed for their future. Cora had been through every inch of that library, and she had never run across a book like Zelena was describing. Maybe, though she would never admit it to her daughter, maybe there was some merit to her worries. If this book really was different, really were changing things, well, that wouldn't be pleasant for anyone.

"Cora! Cora, where are you?" Henry was rushing through the castle looking for his wife. The King was to arrive in the morning on his summer tour, and there was much to be done.

"We are in here Henry." Her answer came from the library, and when he entered he found that all three of the women in his life were curled up on various lounges, reading. "What could possibly be causing you to run amok throughout the palace calling out? That is highly undignified, and definitely below your station my dear." Her chastising look had little effect on her husband.

"We are to have guests on the morrow my darling. The King, the Princess and their entourage will be arriving just after sun up."

Cora flew from her seat and started yelling at the servants. There was no time to be angry with Henry; she would worry about that later. Right now she was determined to present their home, and their family in the best possible way to the recently widowed King. "Girls!" Two pretty faces shot up to meet their mother's gaze. "Go to your rooms and find something suitable to wear. You must make a good impression on the King."

Both girls rose and headed for the door. Henry let Zelena pass him, but caught Regina's arm on her way by. He whispered in her ear, "My dear. Tomorrow your sister is going to try and win the heart of the King, as per your mother's instructions. If you ever want out of here, away from them, I suggest you win the heart of the Princess." When he let her go she nodded once and made her way up the stairs behind her sister.

"I saw that Henry."

"I have no idea what you are talking about."

"You, coaching Regina. She is the spare Henry, and a poor, non-talented one at that. You should be focusing on Zelena. If we want either one of our daughters to make a good marriage, maybe even to the King, it should be her."

"Her magic does not make her better than her sister. Her magic has made her dangerous, much in the same way yours has made you cold. They are children Cora, and I will not let you favor one of our daughters so strongly over the other."

"Let me! Let me! Everyone knows who holds the power in this castle Henry, and it surely isn't the Prince!" She swept past him and went to using her magic to speed up the preparations for the Royal party's arrival.

The bell over the door in the pawnshop jingled as it flew open. Cora stormed in and marched straight up to Mr. Gold. All of this time he had claimed not to remember who he was. Insisting that he was a simple pawnbroker, but Cora had had her suspicions, and she was going to make him answer her again. "Mr. Gold."

"Good morning dearie, what can I help you with today?"

"I have a question Gold." He simply looked at her, waiting for her to ask. "There is a book, that both of my daughters seem to have taken a particular interest in, would you know anything about that?" She watched him carefully, but he was just as careful to not give anything away.

"A book. Well, books are mighty powerful things dearie. If looked at closely they can open up the mind to many possibilities."

"That's what I was afraid of." She muttered and turned towards the door.

"Happy to be of service dearie," He waited until the shop door had swung closed behind her. "Have a nice day, Your Highness."

Oh yes, he knew the book she was talking about, the book that had the power to bring about the end of this curse. To set them all free. He knew, and if he knew that meant that Regina had found it. Whether or not she knew she had, she had started them all down a path from which there was no return. It was coming; the final battle was about to begin.

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