Rolling Boy [one-shot]

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Sawada Tsunayoshi was always the no-good in school. Picked on. Bullied. Never having friends. No one cared. Just a nobody. He tries to hide the fact that he was bullied no end everyday, every minute, every second. No one knew of this.

Except Natsu.

One evening when Natsu was done with his day duties, he just happened to walk past his classroom. He stopped in his tracks when he heard muffled cries. Peeking through the tinted windows, he was shocked to find that Tsuna was the source of the cry. No one was in the room, just him. Natsu opened the sliding door and ran up to Tsuna. The said teen stopped his crying for a while to see who had approached him.

'Natsu... Whatever... I'm always alone... Always alone... Always...' the said teen thought.

"Hey Tsuna, are you okay? Why are you crying?" Natsu asked gently as he held out a hand in attempt to comfort the crying teen. But to his surprise, it was slapped away hard. "STAY AWAY! Just... DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!" Tsuna yelled at him, feeling uncomfortable about the sudden actions he was just shown.

"There's no problem..." Tsuna muttered under his breath. And with that he headed towards the door, with one last look at Natsu, they boy he had always considered being friends with.

'I don't need anyone. Anyone!' Tsuna dashed out the door.

Running. Running . Running. Just keep running.

Tsuna's well-known clumsiness decided to kick in as he tripped and was about to fall. He suddenly felt a warm pair of hands catch him.

"Are you okay yet?" Natsu asked with the same gentle tone.

'Not yet...' Tsuna quickly straightened himself up and struggled out of Natsu's comforting arms. He did not want to seem useless to anyone else. No.
"Just remember, I'm here," Natsu whispered as he started to walk off.

'... No...'


The very next morning, Tsuna was bullied by those tough bullies again.
"If it isn't Dame-Tsuna from class 2-A!"
"Came crying back to us for more huh?"
"Useless kid! Give us money!"
They started to beat him up one by one. A kick in his stomach. A kick in his eye. A kick on his back. Another punch in his stomach. The poor brunette endured the unbearable pain but was close to tears. He couldn't cry in front of the bullies, it was just make them more motivated to bully him more.

After they thought that they had bullied him enough for now, Tsuna laid there on the floor, motionless. His head was throbbing in intense pain and he felt like throwing up. He wanted to at least get up but he couldn't muster enough strength to do so. Just when his consciousness was fading, he felt a familiar pair of warm hands pick him up slowly and he heard a warm voice call out to him, but he couldn't make out who it was. He gave in to his consciousness and passed out in the stranger's arms.


When he finally regained consciousness, he looked around him. Familiarising himself with his new surroundings, he managed to figure out that he was in the infirmary. "Tsuna!" The same voice called out.

The said teen turned his head towards the voice. "Na... Tsu...?" He said weakly.
"You're awake! That's great..." Natsu heaved a sigh of relief and continued, "what happened?"
Tsuna struggled to turn away from Natsu but still managed to do so, muttering the same "nothing happened".

"I'm trying to help you here!! HOW CAN YOU EXPECT TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS ALONE?!" Natsu exploded, much to Tsuna's surprise.
'Someone who was known for keeping his calm demeanor in all situations had just exploded for the stupidest reason.' Tsuna thought. The brunette sighed deeply and said nothing. If Natsu didn't take this chance to help the brunette whom he had already considered as a friend, unknown to Tsuna of course. Tsuna was just going to run away again, playing with the meaning of his words.

Natsu stood up and went over to the side Tsuna was facing and gently held Tsuna's small hands in his. The said brunette widened his eyes a little and looked at Natsu's bright orange eyes. They were so vibrant as compared to his own dull caramel brown eyes. Natsu smiled warmly at Tsuna, showing him care and affection just through his comforting eyes, all this Tsuna was not accustomed to. He slowly helped Tsuna sit up and embraced him in a tight, warm hug, while making sure not to injure him any further.

"Um... I-I.... But..."Tsuna stuttered.

"Are you okay now?" Natsu asked again.

"I'm fine now..." Tsuna finally said.

Natsu chuckled and hugged Tsuna even tighter. Tsuna could feel tears brimming at his eyes, threatening to fall. Unable to control them anymore, he let his jarred up tears fall freely, relaxing into Natsu's embrace. He had finally found a friend, his source of comfort. Sleepiness caught up with him and he fell asleep in Natsu's arms. Noticing this, Natsu let go of Tsuna and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'll see you later." He whispered.

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