"Sure, I'm free." I caved.
"Meet me at the pole at one." He ordered. I smiled and nodded.

The boy and I said our goodbyes and then I started making my way home. It was four blocks to my house, and usually took me about twenty minutes. The whole of those minutes, my mind was consumed with the thought of the boy. He made me feel something; something I've never experienced until now. He brought a smile to my face and a good feeling to my entire body. I wanted to hear him laugh, I wanted to make him smile, I wanted to draw him and I wanted him to be able to trust me.

And that terrified me.


August 20th -- 6:25pm

I walked into the kitchen to see Mikey fighting with our mom over something. He scoffed and slammed his hands onto the counter.

"No, Mikey." She said, taking a deep breath.

"Mom, seriously. You're doing nothing! Why can't you just-"
"Mikey, you are a child. I am busy. Go upstairs." She was trying hard not to yell.

"What's going on?" I asked, walking towards them.
"Mom won't take me to see the movie! It's a special showing tonight and it's supposed to be awesome. She promised she'd take me." Mikey said, sighing.
"Why won't you take him?" I asked, eyeing my mother.
"I'm busy." She said.
"Doing what, exactly?" I asked, leaning on the counter. She definitely wasn't doing anything. She did promise to take him. She shook her head and turned to me, glaring.

"I will not have my children attacking me. I am not taking him. Got it?" She snapped. "Go upstairs, both of you." 

I rolled my eyes, and glanced at Mikey. 
"Come on, Mikes." I said, sighing. He followed me upstairs. We walked into my room, I shut the door behind him and we sat on my bed.

"What movie?" I asked.
"What?" He said, confused.
"What movie do you want to see?" I repeated, annoyed.
"Jaws- the second one." He said. He was getting excited.

"How much to get in?" I asked, already taking out my wallet to count my change.

"Six each." He said, grinning. I pulled out a twenty dollar bill.

A Rather Destructive Fixation [Frerard]Where stories live. Discover now