Chapter 2 Long time no see

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It's been two weeks since Black and White had seen the Lucario. They were heading to Professor Juniper's lab to tell her about their encounter. "AAAAAAH!" someone screamed.

Black and White stopped they saw something fly out from the trees onto the path with a thud. "Ak," it grunted. When Black and White got closer they realized it was that Lucario they met earlier.

They rushed over only to be stopped by a Liepard and Watchog. Two trainers rushed out of the trees, but they covered most of their faces. They stopped when they saw Black and White.

"Trainers, now?" one said, "Liepard, shadowball!" The Liepard obeyed charging a shadowball.

"Serperior!" shouted White. Serperior absorbed the blow from the shadowball. Black followed, sending in his Houndoom.

Lucario laid on the ground motionless, watching the whole thing. The battle was easily won by Black and White so they retreated and took Lucario with them. "Hey, stop!" Black shouted, recalling his Pokemon.

White grabbed his shoulder. She pulled out a Poke-ball and smiled. "Charizard, go!" she shouted, throwing the Poke-ball.

Charizard let a loud roar. White jumped onto his back and pulled Black on with her. "Hold on!" she said as Charizard leaped into the air, beating his mighty wings.

They soon caught up to the bandits and flattened one of the tires. Charizard landed behind the truck. "Great work, Charizard," White said, patting Charizard on the head.

They opened the door but Lucario wasn't there. They gasped and frantically looked around. They spotted Lucario in the other line of trees on the other side of the path.

But he was with someone else.

Sorry this was a little shorter

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