Diagon Alley

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Donna PoV

I was woken up by mom to get ready to go to diagon alley. my twin brother james was bouncing in his bed all dressed up and ready to go.

Get up Donna!!! whined James.

We had breakfast and mum and dad apperated us to diagon alley. We went to Madam Malkin's for school robes and then to Flourish and Blotts for our books.

After getting everything except our wands, we went to Ollivander's for our wands.

Before entering ollivander's, I bumped into a girl with fiery red hair and green eyes. She was with another boy.

Sorry! said the girl.

Hi. I am Lily Evans and this is Severus Snape. The girl introduced herself and the boy next to her.

I am Belladonna Potter and my twin brother James Potter, I said introducing me and my brother.

This is our parents interjected James.

We said our good byes and went to get our wands.

We went inside and waited for Mr.Ollivander.

"I wondered when I would be meeting you Mr and Miss Potter.

He took two wands and gave one to each of us and asked us to give it a wave.

James got it within the first try.

Mahogany, 11 inches and pliable for transfiguration.

While I got mine after the third try.

14 1/2 inches, ash and unicorn hair.

We returned home and had dinner.

I went to my room and immersed myself in the school books we bought today.

I finally switched off my light and went to sleep at 1 o clock.

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