Chapter 6: Curse Of The Black Spot Pt.2

Start from the beginning

 After a while Avery came up with us. The doctor and him began talking and i just listened without talking. "It's not one star, it's two. The Dog star, Sirius. Binary system." The doctor said as Avery walked over. "I use it to navigate the ocean." he replied. "I've traveled far, like you. Space can be very lonely, and the greatest adventure is having someone share it with you." I could tell the doctor was talking about Toby. "If we get out of this I'll take him back to England. He can't stay with me. I'm not the father he needs." Avery said. "I felt the same way once." I swear the doctor looked at me when he said it. "Really? How?" Avery asked. The doctor avoided the question. "Who are you, Henry Avery? Respected naval officer, wife and child at home. How did you end up here, wandering the oceans with a band of rogues?" he asked. "I've set my course now. Nothing I can do to alter it." Avery also avoided the question. The doctor looked back at the star that was apparently two. "People stared at it for centuries and never knew. Things can suddenly change, when you're least expecting." He walked away. I followed.

 We entered the captains cabin. The doctors face suddenly hardened and he was looking at nothing intently. Amy came in "Doctor, um-" He shushed her. "What can you see?" Amy asked. "It feels like somethings out there staring straight at me." He said. I nodded i had the same feeling. We heard thunder and the doctor grinned. "Man the sails!" He cried. We ran up to the deck where it was pouring rain. "To the rigging, you dogs! Let go the sails. Avast ye! Put the bunt into the slack of the clews." Avery called. Rory, Amy, and i started pulling on ropes. "I swear he's making half this stuff up!" Amy called. "Well were going to need some kind of phrase book!" Rory yelled through the rain. The doctor was at the wheel and i don't really know what Avery was doing. Toby came up on the ship "Toby! Find my coat. My compass is inside it, boy." Avery called. Toby did as he was told. "Heave ho, you bilge rats." Avery yelled. "Rats was all i could hear!" Rory shouted. As Toby carried the coat, heavy due to the fact that it was soaked, the crown the doctor had told Avery to get rid of fell out and rolled across the deck. The doctor turned around and we all stared at it. It came to a stop and the siren's hand started coming out of it. Soon she was in the air then on the deck. "Don't let her take you!" Avery shouted at Toby as he walked towards her. Toby reached out to touch her. "No!" Avery began running towards him but he was to late, Toby exploded and disappeared. The doctor ran down and tossed the crown into the ocean. Avery collapsed "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." He said. "You couldn't give up the gold, could you. That's why you turned pirate. Your commission, your wife, your son. Just how much is that treasure worth to you, man?" The doctor shouted at Avery. Before Avery could respond a loose piece of wood knocked Rory overboard.

 "Rory!!!" Amy shouted. She ran over to where he had fallen. "I can't see him! Doctor, I'm going in!" Amy called. The doctor ran over and grabbed her before she could jump. She struggled against him. "He's drowning! He's drowning, you go in you'll drown to! here's only one thing that can save him now." The doctor said turning her to face him. "What are you talking about?" She asked. "The siren she wants him we have to set her free!" The doctor ran over to a barrel of water ignoring Amy's protests and opened it. the siren flew out "He's drowning go and find him!" The doctor yelled at her. She dove into the water. "What did you do? She'll destroy him!" Amy shouted. "That thing isn't just a ravenous hunter. It's intelligent. We can reason with it. And maybe, just maybe, they're still alive somewhere. We have to follow." The doctor stated. "Are you mad?"Avery asked. "If we ever want to see them again, we have to let the Siren take us. We'll prick our fingers. All agreed? Yeah?" The doctor asked. We all agreed and the doctor pricked all of our fingers. Black spots appeared on our hands and the siren showed up. Everything went black.

 We woke up in the same place but kind of different. We weren't getting hit with rain and you could only hear a small echo of the wind outside of the glass we were standing in. "Where are we?" Amy asked. "We haven't moved. We're in exactly the same place as before." The doctor replied. "We're on a ghost ship." Avery commented. "No. It's real. Space ship trapped in a temporal rift." The doctor said. "How can two ships be in the same place?" Amy asked. "Not the same. Two planes, two worlds, two cars parked in the same space. There are lots of different universes nested inside each other. Now and again they collide, and you can step from one to the other." The doctor explained. It sounded like a load of bull to me. "Okay, I think I understand." Amy said. "Good, because it's not like that at all. But if that helps." The doctor said. I rolled my eyes. "Thanks." Amy said sarcastically. "All the reflections have suddenly become gateways." The doctor picked up something metal and threw it through the glass and it went through and landed on the deck. "Ever look in a mirror and think you're seeing a whole other world? Well, this time it's not an illusion." The doctor said. We heard something beeping and began walking around. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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