Chapter 11

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Hey guys,thanks for reading!!
Can we just take a minute to talk about She's kinda hot? It is amazing song with an amazing lyric and proper video! They are gettting hotter them boys are how is that possible!
This is gonna be a long chapter.

~Maddie's POV~
Me and Stacy have been hanging out for awhile,in my room,when my phone went off.
I got it off the night stand by my bed and looked at it,I had a text message,what is wired 'cause Stacy and my mum are the only ones who text me.
"A unknown number just text me."I tell Stacy.
"Really get it up."She says.
I get it up and scanned the text a smile came to my fase,when I read the name,Luke.
"What,who?"Asked my nosey best friend.
Before I tell her,I reread it myself.
"Hey Mads don't have a hart attack it's just,Luke.I still have your number from last time,hope you don't find that wired.Anyway we're wondering if you and Stacy care to meet us at the beach? " I read.
"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked Stacy.
"I'll have to go and grab my beah bag. Why,what was the text about?"She said\asked.
"It was Luke and the guys,they invited us to the beach."I say.
"Yeah I'll be able to see Calum shirtless."She beamed,as she got up.
I rolled my eyes and we walked down the steirs,I tell her I'll meet her outside her houes in twenty minutes.
I walk into the living room,where mum was.
"I'm going to the beach,with everyone."I inform her.
"Okay have fun.Don't be home too late please."She smiled.
"I won't."I say,leaving the room and making my way up stairs.
I packed my beach bag and text Luke.
'Yeah we'll be there in a bit"
In a minute or two I was ready for the beach,I grabbed my red and white spotty bag and throw it over my shoulder and jogged down steirs.
With one more shout goodbye I rushed down to Stacy's houes,where she was just coming out of her houes.
"Ready?"I ask.
She nodded and we walked to her car and got in,we got in and got ready and off we went.
A couple minutes later we were at the beach.
"Man it's hot."Says Stacy .
"Welcome to Australia."I smiled sarcastically.
She just looked at me and we headed towards the sand.We look around the beach.
"Is that one of their security guys?"Asked Stacy.
I looked where she was looking and it was.
"Yeah it is. I guess they couldn't risk going somewhere so crowded without them."I shrugged.
"I guess so." Says Stacy.
I take my flip flops off and slip them into my beach bag.We then walk towards the guys,with Stacy by my side.
"Luke!" I call.
I was scared that the security are going pounce on us, thinking we're tow crazy ass fans. But they didn't do anything.
The guys looked behind them at us and smiled.
Then Luke and Ashton came jogging over to us.
"Hey." I smiled.
"Hi." He smiled.
We then headed over to the other boys, we had are hellos hugs,where I swear Stacy was going to pass out, 'cause of the shirtless Calum Hood hugging her.
I just remembered last night... Is this going to be alkward?
We then put are things down and sit with the guys.
"So how are you?" Luke asked me.
"Yeah,fine.My headache is basically gone.You?" I said/asked.
"Yeah its been a rough morning, but I think I'll survive." He laughed.
"Good." I smiled.
We then just talk small talk for awhile.

Luke's POV
We then small talk. Should I ask her if she remembers anything from last night? And if so should I ask her why she left like that? Where did she go?
I pondered on it for awhile before I decided that I'll ask if she remembers and see were it goes.
"Um...Maddie?" I ask.
"Yeah,Luke?"she asks back as,the other four go deeper into a convosation.
" Do,do you for any chance,remember anything about... Last night? "I say.
She looks down for a second then back up.
"Um yeah..I do."She said.
"And?.." Slipped out of my mouth,without thinking about it.
"And we..kissed."She chocked out.
"Yeah..we,we did...but,but it was just a game." I say,adding the last part fast.
" was a doesn't mean anything." She said.
That hurt a little,'cause that's what I thought when the bottle landed on her,that it was a game at a party,Michael's idea,it didn't mean anything... But the truth is it ment much more to me than I thought.
I just looked down and played with the sand for a moment.
"Let's go in the water!" Beemed Ashton.
"But the water is cold." Said Michael.
"You're such a girl." Maddie teased him.

Maddies POV
And we're back again!
Michael then got up and tried to make himself taller than he actually was.
"You better run Mads." Laughed,Calum.
I then ran down the beach and in seconds I was in the water,knee high.
"What did you say!"Laughed Michael, he was in the water for once.
I said nothing, trying to hold my laughter in. He then came closer to me,and began ticking my sides and I was laughing 'till tears ran down my face. I look up and over to Luke and the guys,Luke was looking over.
"I,I said that you,you're the best and so,so punk rock and that I love you!"I say inbtween laughs,as he carried on tickling me.
He then stopped and smiled at me.
"That's what I thought." He says,as he splashes me and walked out the water. I walk back with him to where everyone was sitting.
"Well that's sorted." Michael smiled.
We sat on the sand.
Calum and Luke whisper to each other,but I leave it to them and get involved in the covosation with Ashton,Michael and Stacy was having.

Luke's POV
Seeing Michael do all that made me feel really jealous and things have gotten a little awkward inbetween me and Maddie, since I asked her that question.
"I don't know what to do."I whispered to Calum.
"Go throw her in the sea."Says Calum.
I sit there for a second in silence thinking about it. And I'm actually going to do it.
"Maddieee?"I asked,in a cute voice.
She looks at me,with a slightly awkward expression.
"Yes Luke?"She asked.
"Can I have a hug?"I asked.
"Erm..I guess you can."She says.
I stand up and she stands up,she comes over and puts her arms around me,I did the same to her. I then move my hands to her wast and throw her over my shoulder.
"Luke!Luke Robert Hemmings,put me down right now!"She screamed.
"No can do.Don't be mad at me,Mads it was Calum's idea."I laugh.
"Calum!"She shouted.
"What? I didn't actually think he'll do it!"He called back.
In a matter of moments I throw her into the sea.
"I hate you!"She say,trying not to laugh.
"Well then. That's the second time you said that to me."I point out.
"I didn't mean it last time."She says.
The boys and Stacy were just looking at us. Then we head back to everyone. We then eat,drink,swim and mess around for the rest of the afternoon.
"Stacy. Wanna sit on the rock's with me?"Asked Maddie.
"Yeah sure. We'll be back in a second."She smiled,as they walked away.
When they were far enough away, I look at Michael.
"Why did you do that?"I asked.
"Do what?"He asked.
"Chase her and stuff."I say.
"Dude.Really? I was messing around. You know we're just friends and that,that could never happen."Michael says.
"I know. Sorry,it just felt wired."I say.
"I think you should talk to her,about getting back together."Says Ashton, casually.
"She'll never want to get back with me."I say.
"How do you know. You havn't asked."Ashton said.
He has a point,we've been friends for weeks now and the Chad thing,I think she's over it.
"Cause if it didn't work out the first time,how is it suppost to work the second time round?"I asked.
"You don't know 'till you ask."Says Ashton.
"True."Agreed Calum.
"Fine I'll think about it."I smiled.
We then carried on drinking and eating,while Stacy and Maddie were on the rock's chatting about somthing.

You Were Always Mine// Luke Hemmings & 5SOS FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα