The Lion, the Witch and the Portal

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A pen leaving a trail of wood paving the floors and up the walls, a white ceiling and a wardrobe. I stepped forwards, the wood creaking beneath me as I reached for the golden door knob, it was cold and squeaked as I turned. I clenched my eyes shut, thinking of a younger self, the time I sat cross legged in front of my wardrobe...screaming at Aslan to let me in. Or the time I went to Ikea with my parents, they were buying a series of flat pack for the sitting room. I wandered off to the wardrobe. They were all wooden, all different shades. I opened the first, only a hanging bar and a price. My face fell, further and further as I opened more and more. I got to the last one and when no snow emerged my anger grew and I slammed the door shut. It cracked, I paused in my angry march away to see the door hanging of its hinges. My mum and dad had to buy it...

SNOW...lots of it! The cold invited me in, I shuddered there was no coats for me like for Lucy. I walked out into the wilderness, the snow crunching beneath my bare feet. I wished I had thought it through and stuck on a pair of boots.

The lamppost!

I looked around in search of Mr Tumnus. No such look. I went and stood under the light to wait.

Blades cutting through the snow and a slight ring of silver bells. I spun around, face to face with a large glistening sleigh, a woollen creature perched inside, no this wasn’t any old woollen creature- this was the white queen. I stared at her, she shuffled over and pattered the seet beside her. I clambered up into the sleigh, despite the mass amount of coats and blankets a thick sheet of ice was still present. Turkish Delight was offered to me...

Then it clicked...I was Edmond. I munched on the delight slowly, careful not to show just how much I hated it but I was craving warmth and the movement of my jaw provided a miniscule amount.

We arrived at the ice palace. How someone can live in a palace made out of ice ill never get, far too cold. Give me a cottage made out of sweets any day.

She told me to come for dinner in a hour precisely, I wandered off in search of a door, it was much warmer outside in the snow than in there! I arrived in a garden, i walked face down, eyes on the grass that crunched beneath my feet. My path became blocked i looked up and came face to face with stone. A poor pixie, frozen in stone. I gasped and took a step back, crashing into an ogre...his arm snapping with the force. I screamed as rock flew out in all directions, the arm fell on top of a baby’s head causing a crack to wriggle unevenly down the middle. Its perfect eyes, large with fear fell on either side of its tiny paralysed body.

I ran, out the garden, flung the icy rusty gate open. I heard a crash, I spun around to see a guilt ridden domino effect. Creature after creature plummeted into each other, sending fireworks of rocks into the air. I pushed myself into the open gate, the ice seeping into my clothes. I had ruined it, these beings were supposed to live, once everything was over they came back, but how? Now they are gravel!  

I ran from the garden and as far away from the palace as my frozen feet would carry me. Which turned out to be not far at all. I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to close the book.

Hands holding down each clump of paper prevented me, I tried harder but the hands would not budge. My eyes rolled back into my head and I felt myself sink into the snow.

“Excuse me, excuse me!” a voice in increasing volume shook me from my sleep. My eyes fluttered open yet shut tightly at the impact of the sun.

“Excuse me, Miss, but you can’t just lie here out in the snow. You will surely catch a death of cold...please don’t be alarmed Miss but I simply can’t let you lie here, if you don’t die from the cold, you will surly die from being run over by a sleigh”

I felt cold scratchy hands on my back and waist; I was pulled off the ground and tossed over his shoulder. He began to walk, slowly from the weight. I opened one eye and let it adjust to the sun, I then opened the other and let it do the same. I looked down, hooves. I wriggled and felt a scarf, a red scarf. I put my hand on his head. Horns.

“Mr Tumnus!” I screamed, i stopped and jumped so I had no chance but do lie back down his back. We came to a little house. Once inside I was carefully placed down on a chair.

“Mr Tumnus!” I repeated as he handed me a drink. I drank it fast, the taste of Turkish delight still lingered.

“How do you know my name?” he asked as he too sat down.

“The lion, the witch and the wardrobe” I stated.

Mr Tumnus stared at me, his eyes roamed to my neck and the locket. He smiled.

“You’re a friend of Frances Abby”  

I nodded clinging onto the locket.

“Why can’t you get back?”

“Book won’t shut, there are hands there”

“Ahhh why didn’t you say, the same happened to Frances when she was here once”

I stared at him.

“Look again”

I shut my eyes, the book as still open, the hands still clenched to the pages.

“Now wait till they go to turn the page and make the book flutter”

I opened my eyes sharply.

“And how exactly do I do that?” I asked angrily.

“Think of the whole story, now quick before you miss your chance”

I shut my eyes again and waited for the hand to let go. I smiled and thought of bombs, evacuation, wardrobes, Lucy, Edmond, Susan and Peter. I thought of beavers, snow and fights and finally Aslan and happiness.  The pages fluttered, the words going from event to event all in a jumble.

“THANKYOU!! I screamed as i shut the book and entered a whirl of paper.

I landed on my sitting room floor crashing into a tower of books. Dan stared at me and I glared back. 

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 07, 2013 ⏰

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