Chapter Two

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So far I only had Blake in Algebra 2 for any classes, but hey it's lunch time. I waited at the double doors for the black hair girl. Once I saw her, I hooked my arm around her shoulder. She quickly pushed me away, but I hooked my arm around her arm.

I marched her to a table with six people already there. "This is my crew. Jaune is the blonde dude with the comic book. Ren is the one with a pink stripe in his hair and is being annoyed by the ginger, Nora. The white hair girl being annoyed by the black hair girl is Weiss and the one doing the annoying is Ruby. Then there is Pyrrha with the chemistry book. Everyone this is Blake" I introduced her to everyone.

"Hi! I am Ruby Rose and I am Yang's sister!" She said in way overly excited voice as she jumped up and down around Blake.

"I see that because your just as annoying as Yang" Blake said coldly to the younger girl.

"Wha?" She asked with tears forming in her silver eyes and she tackled Weiss into a hug.

Weiss send a cold, blue eyed glare at Blake and patted Ruby's back. "How dare you say something so cruel to her. She is two years younger than you are. If you must say something mean tell that to me and not Ruby" She said blowing up on the new girl.

"Boop! There is no pancakes in the lunch line again" Nora whined poking Ren on the nose as if nothing was happening.

"Well, I am leaving." Blake said turning to leave the table as I grabbed her wrist and turned her back around.

"But you just got here" I complained to her. She ignored me and ripped her hand out of my grip. I watched as she disappeared into the crowded cafeteria.

"She is not welcome here, Yang" Weiss glared daggers in Blake's back and then pushed a clinging Ruby off of her. "She hurt your sister's feelings" She emphasized the sister part.

I sighed losing Blake out of my sight. "So have you guys read up on the chemistry test today?" Pyrrha asked shutting the book and placing it back in her bag.

"Yes. I think I am well prepared as always" Weiss said placing in front of Ruby four different practice tests.

"We have a test today?!" Ruby and Jaune asked in unison as their eyes widen in panic.

"Ren and me study all night for this test as long as sloths are not on it. We are good" Nora said laying a crossed his lap. Ren kept eating as if nothing was happening.

"I am going to go get some food" I walked up to the lunch line grabbing a tray.

Weiss was the Heiress to the Schnee Company and not really my type of person to hang with, but Ruby adores her. Pyrrha is an Ex Teen Model and came to this school looking for friends and she found Jaune and our group of people. Jaune happened to stumble upon Weiss and tried flirting with her and that ended with him in a trashcan. Ren and Nora are best friends since like forever. Nora is hectic while Ren is quiet and stable. I feel sorry for Ren to be with someone so different. Ruby and I happened to find this awesome group of friends by chance. Which is how we all met and became friends. Ish.

Is Blake a bad person to be friends with? I don't think so. She is hiding her feelings with a big wall of negative actions and words. I will befriend her if it's the last thing I do.

I grabbed a hamburger with cheese covered frech fries and some milk. I then walked back to the table were Ruby and Jaune were cramming as much knowledge as they could before the next period. "Did you study Yang?" Weiss asked me with her hands on her hip.

"I am a genius. I don't need to study." I smiled at her and took a bite out of the hamburger.

"So your going to fail, aren't you?" She asked me raising her an eyebrow. She never has agreed with anything I do or say.

"Probably" I shrugged my shoulders and sipped some milk.

"Thankfully for you its just the first nine weeks of school. We can flip your grades around" Weiss declared to me as she began pulling papers out of her bag.

"No need. I am fine." I told her staring at the papers with a little bit of fear in my eyes.

Nora threw a strawberry in my direction and I caught it in my mouth. I smiled in victory and gave her the thumbs up. The bell rang and we all headed for Chemistry. Ruby walked in the room and first high fiving the male teacher. I took my seat which was beside Pyrrha. "Good luck, guys with your tests" She said to us with a kind smile. She is also an ex model.

"Miss Belladonna, you can take the seat behind Weiss" The male teacher pointed to the empty seat behind Weiss.

Weiss glared at her desk as Blake sat down in the seat. "Ren! Quiz me quickly" Nora begged the quiet guy. He sighed and nodded his head in agreement.

Jaune had his face in his notes, soon realizing he can't use the notes. It was just doodles of cats. "Pyrrha can I borrow your notes real quick" He turned around in his seat and asked her.

"Of course" She handed him her notes which was color coded and in alphabetical order.

Ruby was taking one of Weiss practice tests to test her knowledge of the subject. Why was Ruby in Chemistry if she was two years younger? You may ask. Well, she is gifted and is two years smarter then most people her age. "Okay the test will begin, now. Except you Blake" The male teacher announced to the class as he handed the first test to Jaune.


"Yep. I bombed that" I said walking out room with everyone else as the bell rang.

"I was prepared as always. That test was child's play from the ones I gave Ruby" Weiss laughed as Ruby was smiling.

"Yeah. Your tests were way more cruel then the actual test. Don't be a teacher" Ruby told Weiss nearly crying for the future students of Ms. Schnee.

"We were also ready for that test" Nora said jumping on Ren's back.

He shook his head in disappointment. "I saw your answer document. The answer was not pancakes for everything" He said calmly and kept walking as if she never jumped on his back

"I panicked when I got the test" She defended herself jumping off of his back.

"Well, I am not the only one who failed then" I high-five Nora. We did a little victory dance and stopped as soon as Weiss glared at us.

"Jaune, how do you think you did?" Pyrrha asked him. Obviously she liked him, but jaune is too dumb to realize it.

"Well, I didn't get any of the essay questions, so I guess badly" He shrugged his shoulders in defeat and stared at his shoes.

"We'll catch you guys later!" I waved as I hooked my arm with Weiss's arm.

"Yang! I told you not to touch me ever." She pushed me into a locker. I let go of her before she killed me. "I still can't believe the new girl said that to Ruby and why didn't you get offended? She did say you were annoying too" She ranted facing me for my answer.

"Well, I was flicking paper footballs at her back in one of our classes. I guess that would be annoying" I said looking her in the eyes and then realized how stupid that was of me to do that to Blake.

Weiss couldn't believe what I just said. Neither could I now. "You did what?! Why would you do that?"

"It seemed like a good idea at the time" I said scratching the back of my neck in embarrassment of how stupid I was. How am I supposed to become friends like her if I act so immature.

"Come on lets-" She stopped in the middle of her sentence when she saw Blake walking into the gym's locker room. Her face expressions were pure rage.

Ta-da~ Another chapter done~ Took me so long to edit it XD and I think it's still needs some work done, but anyways~ What do you think? I hope it was humorous to read as it was for me to write~




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