Chapter 2

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"Ugh Mattie come on are you done with the tantrum now?" Jase had pissed me off and he knew that I wouldn't let him off the hook for awhile. "I don't know are you done being a jackass?" He was really pushing it, I was trying so hard not to just beat the shit out of him. "Hey there is no need for that kind of language." Ryan called out from the background, chuckling a little at out banter. "Shut the hell up!" Jase and I both called out. Looking at the ground I realized that I was overreacting slightly, maybe I should just apologize and get it over with. I really hated fighting with him. "I'm sorry.." "No look sis I know that I was being a dick, I'm sorry for freaking out on you.." Jase pulled me into a warm tight hug, I couldn't help that to think about what it would be like to have mom and dad back in the picture.

The memories came rushing in like broken damn."Where the hell are you going you slut? Out to some party to get fucked. You are just like your mother! I doubt you are even my kid!!" I figured my dad always hated me, now it shows its true. How could he say that about my mother. I had never been so pissed in my life. The pain from his rejected love now was nothing to the hatred I felt. I hit him. Maybe if I had thought about the consequences I wouldn't have done it. I would have ran. He threw me across the room where I slammed and shatter the mirror on my body. I couldn't think, I couldn't move. Pain was all my body could process and then the kicks started and they didn't stop until I was unconscious. When I awoke I was laying in a pool of blood and glass. Jase walked in the door from the party and rushed me to a hospital. I lied to the doctors, said I fell down the stairs and crashed into the mirror at the bottom. Of course it didn't take a genius to know that the 5 broken ribs were caused by stairs. The doctors didn't push it but Jase did. Two days later I was sent home I never left Jase's sight until I told him, I begged he didn't press charges I said I provoked him. He didn't press charges but the next night my father came home he beat the shit out of him.

"Mattie what's wrong? Mattie hello? Come on, what's going on?" Shaking me out of my thoughts I realized I was crying and Jase and Ryan were staring at me looking worried as hell. "I-I'm fine." I stutter out, trying to pull away. "No Mattie that's enough no more secrets please I know I didn't push you about the Kingston thing, that's whatever but you will tell me why you are crying. You used to tell me everything Mattie know you lie and think I don't notice." Anger, worry, hurt they all flashed through his face. "Dad.. I was thinking about dad." I looked down in shame that I still cared so much for a man that beat me and left me to die but he wasn't always like that and I couldn't always hate him.

"He isn't our "Dad" Mattie, you know that." He gritted through his teeth. "Jase look I know you hate him but--" I cut off by him shouting. "Yeah I hate him, you should too! God I don't get you!! You couldn't breath without being in pain for weeks!! I came in and you had glass inches deep! I have plenty of reasons to hate him and I always will!!!" He stormed out of the house slamming the door, throwing gravel as he speed off. The tears that I was holding off so well came rolling down. I was enveloped in a hug who I know was Ryan and couldn't help the sobs that I released. "Hey listen it's okay just breathe he will be back he just has to cool off don't worry about it. You have your reasons and he has is, it's going to be okay... Just please stop crying.." I sniffed, looking into his eyes I could see the worry so I kissed him. I don't know what came over me but I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him closer I wasn't stopping anytime soon. He pulled away breathing hard, his eyes screwed shut.

"Mattie that cant happen again. If your brother would have walked in he would have killed you and I.." Rejection hit me once again, I ran out of the house hopping into the car. Speeding off I tried to think where I was going to go, I just let myself drive until I pulled up to the bar. I had never been a big drinker but when I had raging feelings flowing through me I had to relinquish them some how. I walked and asked for the strongest drink they had, not paying attention just downing drinks after drinks till the burning stopped. I stepped off the stool stumbling all over the place laughing. I want to dance. Screw Jase, Ryan and Micheal. They can kiss my ass. I walked onto the dance floor hardly keeping myself up straight but I was having the time of my life. My phone was going off like crazing so I turned it off enjoying myself.

That is until the dick himself walked into the room. I couldn't take my eyes off him he looked so hot right now. He was wearing black jeans a white shirt and a leather jacket. His hair was wind swept and his brown eyes filled with worry searched the room where he found me leaning against somebody trying to keep my balance. Anger then filled his eyes as he stormed to me. "Are you out of your mind?!" Micheal was shaking me obviously furious. Unfortunately my stomach had taken all the movement it could take. I covered my mouth trying to hold it back. "Shit come on." He grabbed my arm and drug me outside where I threw up everything but my guts. Holding back my hair, rubbing my back, and whispering comforting words were what I had never expected from Micheal. "Come on let's get you home." Those were the last words I heard before I let the darkness take over and drifted to sleep.

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