Chapter 2- Amy meets Daniel Mason

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Chapter 2- Amy meets Daniel Mason

“Knock, knock” I said through the door, one hand on the door handle and the other knocking on the door.

“Come in, Amy”. I pushed the door open and stepped inside. Grandpa stood in the middle of the room smiling as I entered. I took of my bag and dropped it onto the floor before pushing the door closed.

“Sup, Gramps” I said walking further into the office. I moved through the room until I sat at the grand table that stood in front of the large windows. I pulled my feet up and crossed them placing them on top of the table, before I looked up at Grandpa. He looked back at me, eyebrows raised.

“What?” I asked a small smile pulling at my lips. He rolled his eyes at me and I grinned back at him. I loved my Grandpa, he had always been there for me when I needed him and I knew would still be until he kicked the bucket, which will be in a very long time considering he is only 47 years old.

“Ames, this is Daniel Mason and his brother Conner Mason. They’ve just started here so be nice to them, ok” he said nodding to the two boys’ I had noticed as I had entered the office.

“Sup” I said to the nodding in acknowledgement. The boy to the right nodded back blushing before looking down at the ground. The other just sat there, with a book in his hand reading. I couldn’t see his face as he had a New York cap covering it, but I could see soft dark curls, that had fallen out of the hat and were sticking out at the sides. I glanced at the book he as so interested in, I was so shocked to what I saw I forgot that I didn’t even know the boy.

“OHMIGOD, Where the HELL did you get that book?” I shouted jumping up from my seat.

“Amy, language” Grandpa said frowning at my excitement.

“Look, look at his book” I replied ignoring his comment on my lack of purity. He glanced at the book, eyes widening as he read the title.

“Holy Sh*t, where did you get that book?” he asked, totally forgetting that he was talking to a student.

“Grandpa, Language” I said grinning. I heard a snigger come from the other boy, I turned my grin onto him and he smiled back before blushing again and looking away again. Grandpa scowled at both of us before turning back to the boy in the left chair. I really needed to learn their names. I quickly moved round the desk and sat on it so I faced him directly.

“I am really sorry but what was your name again?” I heard Grandpa Sigh at my question and turned to see his head bowed, shaking it side ways.

“What? You know I’m not good with names.” I stated shrugging at him.

“Yeah, you can hardly remember your own friends names.” He replied sarcastically with his eyebrows raised and looking at me.

“These guys are new here. Its not like I can remember there names in the couple of minutes I’ve met them.”

“It took you almost 2 years to remember your friends names, I know your not going to remember these two’s names.” He said indicating to the boys, “I just thought you would have grown out of the habit by now.”

“I have” I said folding my arms and pouting at him.

“Yeah, like you’ve grown out of a lot of things.” He replied not backing down. I knew exactly what he meant by that.

“I thought they still fit.” I shouted at him. The retort came out sounding like a child who was throwing a tantrum instead of a 14 year old girl trying to get her point through.

“Well, they didn’t. I still have a picture of that.” He said laughing.

“I thought you deleted that.”

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