Chapter Two Old-Wrinkly Ghosties

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Now comes the boring history. I'll get this over fast. There are about 250 ghosts in there.(I know cause they've been pointing swords at my face!) They all were killed in the house. 90% of them hate humanity and the rest just don't care.
There is a Queen Of Ghosts called Zorrna or something. Her husband divorced her and her daughter died of cancer. Zorrna hung herself on a banyan tree after her maid tried to poison her. She died with utter hate for humans so her hate caused her to manifest her old house and kill anyone who trespassed. Soon she had an army of ghosts to attend to her. Those guys sold the house on rent and killed anyone who bought it.
There are too many ghosts to describe and really less time so I'll just get to the highlights
Pirate golden age. Three people,Pirates brought their booty to that house. They broke in the house and trashed it. This got Zorrna and 5 of her generals supremely torqued off. The leader died an easy death. He was poisoned. The last two were tortured badly. Yeow
One dude in the middle ages,magician and his daughter came to the house (castle actually in those times ) They were pretty powerful wizards. But luck didn't favor them. They died painfully.
When her dad died the kid was killed in battle mercilessly.
Skip to the 18th century. World War. This house was the only one that was safe because of Zorrna's power. There was a regiment of soldiers in that house. They used it as a safe house. A few days later another troop of soldiers,battered and defeated joined them. There were close to a hundred and fifty people in there and all of them injured. The war had taken everything from them. But the ghosts DO NOT show mercy.  All were killed in cold blood.
Just after the war finished- a major general came to stay in the house as a vacation. He was already haunted by the desolation of war. He started having weird feelings as if he had sensed the ghosts earlier on. He had and that was the weak point for the ghosts. Stories spread. Rumors. After a few days he was found dead. It looked like he had been stabbed behind the back. Traditional much?

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