Chapter XI

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"So.. Anyone got an idea of what to do next?" Ann said next to me.
"We go in," I replied.
"Just like that?" Eve asked.
I nodded. "You got a better idea then?"
"Not really," Eve admitted.
"What is this place even?" Ann asked.
I looked around, noticing the dark walls, grim lights, and the feeling that told me really not to go in there.
"It looks like one of the main quarters End maintains besides his main palace." Eve mentioned.
"That's right. But perhaps we can find what we're looking for here," I said.
"And what is it that we're exactly looking for?" Ann replied, crouching behind me as I hid behind one of the bushes. Eve sat down next to me. "And how do we even go in? I bet there are guards on every corner of the hallway."
"First of all, we're looking a clue to get any further in finding a cure. Second of all, I don't know how to get in, but we can at least try. It probably looks harder than it actually is."
"All right. What's next?" Eve asked.
"You see that window over there?" as I pointed it out. "It's got curtains covering the window from the inside of the room. There are no cameras outside meaning we could get in through the window and hide behind the curtains. When we're sure there's no one occupying the room, we go further. But we have to get moving. There haven't been any guards coming around, and staying here will only increase the risk of getting caught," I explained.
"Then what do you suggest? We don't even know if that room is actually safe or not. And even if we make it, there's no way we know what to come up with next," Ann said.
"There's only one way to find out, right?"
"Please don't tell me.."
"We go in," I finished, getting up and sprinting towards the window, not bothering to check if Eve and Ann were following me. I jumped in, hiding for a moment behind the curtains, before I decided that the room was empty by the lack of sounds.

I walked into the room, scanning my surroundings, finding a desk and a few chairs in front of it. At the back of the room were two bookshelves standing, but only a few books were actually taking place in it. A small tv-screen hanging next to it.
"Tell me what we're supposed to look for. Without a clue, I'm feeling pretty useless here," Eve said.
I walked around the room, trying to find any hints that could get me closer to for what use the room had. "The serum that End invented was a result of scientific research. I bet my life that he wrote everything worth noting in a file to know how far the progress had gotten."
"So basically, I'm just saying, we're looking for a file that should have all the answers in it, which would resolve all our problems at once, but which might not even exist, so everything we did could be for nothing?"
"Pretty much," I replied, walking over to the desk, while Ann checked the titles occupying the bookshelves.
The desk itself was completely empty, but the drawers were stuffed full. I pulled the first one open, finding nothing but writing paper and pens. The second drawer was filled with messy objects of which I doubted the importance. The only thing that got my attention was a picture, lying hidden under a not running watch. Narrowing my eyes, I noticed End was embracing someone who looked slightly familiar to me, but who I couldn't name. I doubted this would be End's office, after all, the Fates never granted us any luck, so why would they let us step into the right room at the first try?
"Why would there be a screen but no controller to turn it on?" Ann wondered, having searched everywhere for the remote.
I took my hand out of the drawer too fast and bumped it on the bottom of the drawer above. I frowned, noticing something was sticking against the upper drawer, and tried to remove it. After a few tries, the object came loose, and I observed it while holding it. It was indeed a controller, but when I pressed the button, there was no sign on the screen that it had actually worked.

"Maybe the batteries need to be renewed or something," Eve suggested, and I turned the remote over in my hand, when a sudden movement caught my eye.
I watched as the empty wall on my left side split open, revealing rows full of different files. My excitement grew, and I could not help but think that maybe, for once, the Fates were actually wishing us luck.
"Quick, help me find it," I said, dropping the remote on the desk and shoving the drawer shut.
Eve and Ann stood next to me and grabbed a file, starting to look through it. I followed their actions, and soon we were reading as fast as we could.

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