Lies, Strangers and The Son of Death

Start from the beginning

They or whatever they is only have one eye.

RUN, my instincts told me.

"Ryn, run!" I shouted and we started sprinting. "What and why are we running?" she exclaimed running beside me. "Trust me!" I replied and she nodded. She trusted me and she knows that something's wrong too. I can see it in her stormy gray eyes.

Even though we had a running start those three people or whatever they are, are quick. They covered a lot of ground so fast and they seem to grew in size. "Come back here half-bloods! We want to eat you!" they screamed crazily.

Half-bloods? What does that mean? And I don't want to know and I especially don't want to get eaten.

My legs are burning and getting tired. I could see that Arryn's having a difficult time too. And they seem to know that we're growing tired because they picked up the pace. Pretty soon they'll catch us and eat us or do whatever they want to do to innocent kids.

We turned to another corner and ran with all our might, but that didn't seem to work. Then our lie luck seem to worsen. Because were stuck in a dead end.

We're trapped.

We heard foot steps and saw them in front of us. The biggest one in the middle snarled menacingly "You can run, but you can't hide demigods".

Demigods? I suddenly felt nauseous. Why do they keep calling us these words? Demigods? Half bloods? They don't ring any bell to me!

"Go away! You whatever you are!" Arryn angrily yelled. I can see her trying not to break down and whimper. That got me mad and my head cleared a little bit. I stepped in front of her protectingly. I am her bodyguard, I said to myself. No one hurts MY Ryn.

"This will be quick and p-". Then a sword. A black sword protruded out of his chest and he disintegrated and turned to dust.

"Yes, painless you monster" said a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Mark with Alexis behind him. "You will pay for that son of Hades!" hissed the other two, now backing up.

Alexis turned to us and gently said, "It's okay, you two will be okay. We'll take care of it." She took out a bronze dagger and took a stance. Mark took his blade forward and got ready.

The monsters snarled at us and lunged.



How long has it been. Since I've been taken here. Since I've seen light.

My thoughts were interrupted by a loud growl. "You're friends have been spotted and now they'll be taken here like you to be eaten." the trench coat man laughed.

"I may be trapped in here, but I'm not scared of you nor death you monster." I said without emotion. I learned quickly that if you showed no interest in these monsters that they'll leave you alone.

"You might not looked scared, but I know that you're losing your wits boy" he laughed again in his own joke. I replied determinedly,"Yes, I am and that doesn't mean anything. I will get out of this prison that you put me on and I will kill you. I will kill every single one of you monsters."

Jack didn't know that his hair shined gold and his eyes burned the color of the sun for a minute. His skin warmed up and his presence became powerful.

The monster took a step back. A huge mistake. "So you get scared too", I said in triumph. The monster snarled and punched me in the gut. The pain felt unbearable, but I couldn't give him that satisfaction. "Pissed you off?" I laughed, the pain still vibrating through my entire body.

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