Chapter One -In which we meet a madman-

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I look down at my latest sketch, which now consists of a man in a large trench coat, looking down and tightly gripping something that looks an awful lot like a consel, a girl with blond hair standing near him, her eyes staring at him sadly.

I look up from my finished sketch when strange thoughts start drifting through my head, which I've never heard before, and I hear every thought. I quickly place my sketch book in my messanger bag, which contained two other books and some extra pens, pencils, and erasers.

I flich as the thoughts start getting a bit more confussing. I can hear the thoughts getting a bit louder as I just stand there, meaning they are closer as well. I try to hold on to a thought grasping at random ones, seeing them each for a few seconds.

My eyes widen as my head is filled with different faces, different women, different adventures, but onething always stays the same. The blue box. My blue box.

I tried finding more on the men, and saw years and years of sadness and loneliness. My heart broke for this poor man, and I was determined to find him.

As I walked away from the tree, the thoughts soon became too much, and my head pounded. I quickly locked my mind on the area around the box. I cocked my head and looked to the right, finding the box only a few meters away from me.

The pounding in my head got worse and worse the closer I got to that Blue Box. I pounded my fist against the door, my vision already blurring. It felt as if all of space and time was being crammed into my head.

And I was terrified.

I pounded on the door, tears streaming down my face. I couldn't even read the rest of the parks minds. I only heard the one voice, and it hurt. I soon felt the door become a bit more... humany? I heard a muffled voice but it was so distant.

I couldn't see, and that scared me. But the worst thing is when you can't see, or hear. So I did the one thing that could stop this pain.

I knocked myself out.


So, this is chapter one. You obviously haven't *seen* the Doctor yet, but he's there. Um, so yeah :)


KatTommoYoung xx


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