Chapter Two-Ladies and Gentlemen...

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Chapter Two-Ladies and Gentlemen, Truth is Now Acceptable, Fame is Now Injectable

I reach my friend Veronica's house at about six PM, and she quickly ushers me inside.

"You've been out there all by yourself all day?" she asks as I sit on the couch.

"Yep." I smile.

"Why?" she asks, and I take a deep breath.

"My parents abuse me." I say, and her face drains of all color.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" she asks, rushing over to me.

"Because I can take it. But today my dad destroyed my boom box and one of my Fall Out Boy CDs and said really insulting things to me, and that was the end of it. I was going to move out the day I turned eighteen anyway, I just sped it up about two months." I respond, shrugging. She eyes a spot on my neck, and I quickly shift my hair so it covers it.

"Coraline, is that what I think it is?" she asks, and I quickly shake my head no.

"No, no, no. I ran to Marcus' house the other day and we were having Nerf War. That's it." I lie, hoping I'm not fidgeting too much. I do that when I lie.

"Okay..." she says, but she still seems unsure, but doesn't press the subject. "Anyway, what do you want for dinner?"

"Pizza?!" I ask, face lighting up. The only time I really have pizza is when I'm allowed to go to a friend's for the night.

"Okay." she laughs, and grabs her cell phone, dialing the pizza place.

The pizza gets here about fifteen minutes later. She ordered a Meat Lovers, and I ordered just plain cheese.

I eat about two pieces, and then I am full. Veronica, though, eats her entire pizza.

"How did you eat that whole thing?" I laugh, looking at her in disbelief.

"Easy." she shrugs, and I laugh again.

"Hey! Wanna have a movie night?!" she exclaims suddenly, making me jump a bit.

"Hell yeah!" I exclaim, and run to get blankets while she gets popcorn and every scary movie she has.

I'm awoken the next morning by Veronica shaking me awake. She has the local news station on full volume, and I am instantly awake when I hear my name.

"Seventeen-year-old Coraline Hurley was reported missing at 7 am this morning, according to police." blares throughout the house. "Any information on her whereabouts will be rewarded." Suddenly, my father shows up onscreen.

"We don't know why she would ever run away," he says, obviously faking the dramatic face he's making. "We always gave her everything she wanted. I just want my baby girl back."

"Bullshit." I snap as they move on from the story and Veronica shuts the TV off. "He just wants me back to-" I stop myself, and say "Beat me."

"Coraline, you were about to say something else, I can tell." Veronica says, eyebrow raised. "I'm assuming it has something to do with that mark on your neck."

"No, I just had to find the right words." I insist. "And the mark is from a Nerf bullet, I told you."

"Whatever. If you don't want to tell me, fine. But it can help put your parents in jail." she says, walking into the kitchen.

I pack everything back in my booksack, and walk into the spacious kitchen. "Veronica, I have to leave." I say.

"What? Why?" she asks.

"You could get arrested for housing me. Or worse, my parents could get you. Please, just let me go." I say, and she sighs. She walks over to me, and envelops me in a hug. When we separate, she presses something into my palm. I uncurl my fingers, and hold the necklace by the chain.

"It's my good luck charm." she says, taking it from me and turning me around. "Wear it, and maybe you'll get some good luck for once."

I feel it fall onto my chest, and I look at it. It's a simple exclamation point, with fake diamonds down it.

"Thanks." I smile, and we hug once more before I walk out of the door.

"Wait!" Veronica says, and I stop in her driveway. "At least let me drive you into the city!"

We get into her car, and drive to the eL train station.(is that what they're called?) I go to get on a train, but a huge hand grabs my wrist. I flash back to hundreds of times my father has done the same thing, and almost have a panic attack.

"Don't say a word." a male voice growls, and I nod. "Act like you know me. Boy, I'm gonna get so much money for turning you in." We walk along for a bit, me being too terrified to look up. Then, I elbow him in the nose.

He yells in pain, and swings blindly. It connects with the side of my head, and I collapse onto the floor. The guy comes after me again, but someone jumps in front of him, catching the dude's fist before it can slam into his face. All I see is strawberry blonde hair, a fedora, and a leather jacket before I pass out.



This May Take Some Time and Effort. [Fall Out Boy/Patrick Stump fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now