5 Months in the Making

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Zorah's POV

It's been five months since me and Jacob have been together and almost four months since Kimoni's house has been burned down. Babydoll still tries to destroy Kimoni and Princeton has been having a hard time trying to get this situation in order. We've pressed charges but the authorities don't have any proof she's been doing all of the things we've described to them.

Anyway, today Jacob is taking me on a nice date to a fancy restaurant. And school is out, so that makes it even better. I'm looking in the long body mirror in my bedroom. I'm wearing a black tutu dress, Prada ankle boots/heels, a black clutch purse, dangling black (chandelier looking) earrings, a diamond necklace, three black and silver bracelets, a diamond crown ring, and a light, short-sleeve jacket.

“How do I look?” I ask Kimoni who's laying comfortably on my bed.

“Gorgeous!” she squeals as she looks at me from head to toe. “Now have fun but not too much fun Zo.”

“Whatever! You shouldn't be talking girl. An d you know exactly what I mean.”

“Yeah, sure, blame the pregnant girl.” she says holding her hands up in defense.

Yeah that's right Kimoni got pregnant three months ago. When Princeton came over to my house I was in the kitchen making some food and the adults and Laren were gone. The next thing you know...

“Well bye big belly,” I say grabbing my purse and walking out the room.

I hear a car honk and automatically knew it was Jacob. I walk outside shutting and locking the door behind me. I walk towards his black Cadillac and get in. I looked at him. He looked real good in his black suit and red neck tie.

“Don't you look handsome,” I say as he backs up out of my driveway.

“Same to you sexy,” he says as we start our way on the road.

We talk and sing to the radio as we make our way our destination. A few minutes later we make it to the restaurant. Jacob pulls up into a parking spot and puts the car in park. He takes the keys out of ignition and gets out. He walks to my side and opens the door. He helps me out. Even with the heels I was still short but closer to his face. Jacob closes my door and locks the car. He gently grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers. He kisses my cheek and we start walking towards the restaurant. We walk inside and are greeted by a hostess at a podium.

“Reservations for two,: says Jacob.

“Name?” asks the hostess.


The hostess scans her list and looks up at us with a smile.

“Ok follow me.” she motions for us to follow her. We follow her to a table beside a waterfall fountain. She sits down our menus on the table and leaves back to her station.

Jacob pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit. I sit down and he pushes me up a little to the table. He then sits in his chair across from me and scoots up tot he table.

“I've been thinning about us lately,” he says looking at me. His eyes were filled with love and wonder. “I think after this date we could...you know...kiss? I mean like a real kiss not the one where wee kiss on the cheek and stuff.”

I laughed at the thought that we haven't literally had our first kiss together.

“Ok we'll see pretty boy,” I say. He laughs. We look at our menus and figure out what we want to order.


Jacob walks me to the front door of my house. It was about ten thirty at night. I fumble with tying to find my house key in the dark.

“Got it!” I exclaim as I stick the key into the key hole. I start to walk inside when...

“Ahem,” said Jacob. I roll my eyes and make my hand feel inside the house for the switch for the outside light. I feel the switch and flip it up allowing the front light to come on.

“What?” I ask looking back at him.

“Aren't you forgetting something?”

“Like what?”

“Like this.” He walks towards me with a smile on his face. He wraps his arms around me and crashes his lips against mine. I tense up a little from the surprise kiss. I soon relax and kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. I then break out of the passionate kiss as a car slowly drove by.

“Wow.” was all I could say. He smiles and kisses my lips one more time.

“Happy five months baby,” he whispers against my lips.

We tell each other goodnight before he walks back to his car. I watch as he gets in and drives off into the night. I walk in the house, lock the door, and turn off the front light. I walk through the dark house quietly. When I make it to my bedroom I shut the door quietly. To my liking I saw a sleeping Kimoni underneath the covers on my bed. I take off my current clothes and put on some more comfortable clothes. I hop in the bed with Kimoni and fall asleep with the best mood of my day.

Star's POV

I was driving by in this neighborhood to see the damage of Babydoll. After she told me she burned the girl's house up I wanted to see it for myself. It took me about five months to get the address out of her. As I drive around I see this couple kissing in front of the house next to the damaged house that I believe is the girl's house. In the driveway was a black Cadillac with it's engine still running. The car looked exactly like Jacob's. I looked closer at it and it was his. If that was his car then that meant it was him and another girl kissing. He never would kiss me like that; just little kisses on the cheek is what all he'd give me.

Yeah that's right Jacob is my ex. After he broke up with me I was mad as....But I got over it. All I could think about right now was how he was with another girl. I wanted him back, but he never wanted me back. After a while I stopped trying to get back with him and moved on to Ray Ray from Mindless Behavior. But I don't love him like I love Jacob. And after seeing him tonight made me jealous of that other girl. I want him back. But after seeing him kiss that girl I knew he was in love with her, so I wouldn't have a chance to get him back. I drive faster, madder, and upset about the fact he love another girl and showed her. I want him back now! And this time I actually agree with Babydoll about how the boys we love are ours! I just need to get that girl out of the picture!!


A/N: So what do you think? Has Star gone mad as well? What will happen if Star decides to team up with Babydoll? Will somebody die? Who knows! Welp I'll write soon! (;

Trust, Love, and Jealousy a Jacob Latimore Love storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin