Chapter 2

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Arizona's POV:
"Ok. I have the lunches for the kids ready and their backpacks on the table. They are ready" I say to myself. I can hear the kids arguing over the bathroom. You wouldn't believe how much a 6 and 9 year old could fight.

"Timothy! Stop fighting with your sister. Emma! Stop hogging the bathroom!" I yell up to them. They are quiet for a bit until they come running down the hall. As I set their toast on the table, I hear the door open and I turn around to see Carly coming home from work.

"Hey. Good morning kids" she comes into the kitchen and kisses them on the forehead. "How are you guys?"

"Good" the kids say in between bites. She smiles and walks over to me and give me a kiss.

"How was the night shift? Fun? Exciting?" I say overly excited.

"You're funny." She says. "We had a crash come in at like 3:00 in the morning and it was crazy. I'm going to lay down for a bit. Try to get some sleep before dinner tonight." She gives me another kiss, flings off her shoes, and heads to bed.

"I see bus." I say. The kids jump up and grab their lunches and backpacks. "Kisses." I say. They both give me a kiss and run out the door. I stand on the front porch. "Love you."

"Love you too Momma!" They both yell. Gosh those kids. After Callie and I separated, I met Carly and I felt complete again. A feeling I didn't have since Callie and spilt. We got married after a year of dating. Then babies came. First, Emma. Carlye carried her so she got to pick her name. She is a little spitfire, just like Carly. No one is gonna mess with her. Then I carried Tim and I got to choose him name and I didn't think twice. I named him after my brother. Sometimes, Timothy will make a silly face at me and all I can see is my brother. It makes me feel like he is still here. Then one day, Carly and I decided to take a trip to Africa to visit the clinic and that's when we saw Ivana, a 11 month baby at they brought in the clinic for a checkup. She was an orphan. We brought her back and adopted her. She is still sleeping but that little girl is beautiful. Big brown eyes and chocolate skin. When she looks at me, I melt inside.

Sofia loves being a big sister. She gets the best of both worlds with Callie and I. When Callie and Mia got married, they decided to not have anymore kids. So Sofia gets the big family and the only child. She loves it.

As I step back into the house, I hear Ivana start to cry. I walk into her room and soothe her. I grab her a bottle and put her in the play pen in our room so I can get ready for work.

Once I'm ready. I get Ivana ready so I can drop her off at daycare. Carly would babysit her but she is sleeping. Once I'm ready I grab the keys and head out the door, put Ivie in the car and drive to the hospital.

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