
I parked across the street from bens house but he still wasn't home, schools been out for at least a half hour because I had to stop for gas before coming here and he still hasn't gotten home.

To: Ben
Where are you ?

I never got a response. I waited outside the house for around 15 minutes before I decided I'd just start the project on my own.

To: dick head(Dana)
Are you home?

From: dick head (Dana)
Why Yes I am ;)

To: dick head (Dana)
I'm about to come in, to do a project.

From: dick head (dana)
Is 'project' codeword for 'Dana' ;)

I Got out of my car not even replying to that one. I walked up the steps to the front door and before I could even touch the door knob the door  flew open. Dana stood in the door way his tan and toned torso fully exposed. My eyes fell down his body to the lines on his hips that led into his shorts, I realized what I was doing and quickly snapped my eyes back up to his face.

"Are you ready to do the ''project'' " he held up his finger to make quotation marks around the word project. I rolled my eyes and pushed passed him and his sexual humor.

"Dana, project is not code word for you" I explained "Ben and I really have a project to do together he's on his way" I told him and he leaned against the wall with his arms crossed, I noticed how his eyes lingered on me so I quickly looked around to try and find the posters.

"If your looking for Benny boys school stuff it's in MY room" Dana's lips curved up into a smirk as he threw a wink my way.

"I'd rather completely start over then to go get them from your room," I teased and Dana put his hand over his heart as if he had been struck. "And you better stop with this perverted humor before I tell your girlfriend" I threatened with a smirk but I quickly noticed how he practically cringed at the word girlfriends

"Funny thing princess, I just broke things off with her, so I'm a free man," he said pushing himself from the wall with an amused smile. "Then again, I was always available for you, even with Nicole" he gave me a smirk as he came closer. I could feel my heart beat in my ears and before I knew it he was right there, millimeters from me. He looked down at me and our eyes locked I could feel my heart speed up and my body began to heat up. I noticed his eyes shift down and I realized he was leaning in. I quickly broke all eye contact by looking to the floor and taking a step back.

"I'm gonna go get the poster," I said before pushing pass Dana and jogging up the steps. I came to ben's room and pushed the door open, I almost thought I had taken the wrong turn and went to dana's room but I noticed the usually bed sheets on his bed, well half on the bed.

I was shocked in the way bens room looked, he was always so clean and neat but the room right now was a complete mess. Ben had his clothes scattered across the bedroom floor, papers were spread out all over the computer desk, the closet door was wide open almost nothing left hanging as most of it including the hangers had fallen to the ground, ben's bed was not made his blankets were either hanging off the bed or on the floor. I've never seen bens room in this state before even when I would surprise visit his room was always in the same neat order.

I stood in the doorway not wanting to enter into the depth of the mess and something attack me. I looked around for the poster and I barely seen the corner of the poster under the black hoodie that had the word 'senior' on it and a pair of pants. I pulled the poster from under the two items of clothing and I nicely laid them on his bed before running out the messy room.

I walked down the steps and when I turned the corner to go in the living room and there Dana was sitting there with his feet crossed on the coffee table.

"I know this is your house and everything but could you move to another room? Ben and I have work to do" I said to Dana and he looked over at me with a blank expression before his stupid ass fucking smirk that I hate to love made its way onto his lips.

"You and Ben?" He looked around as if trying to find something "I don't see a Ben, just a you" he said crossing his arms and taking his feet from the table.

"Well, he's on his way" I inform

"Okay and when Benji gets here I'll be on my way, till then I'll help you. It's not exactly fair you have to do it all yourself" he says and his eyes stay on my face trying to read my expression.

"I don't need your help," I say to him and his smirk turns to a smile

"You never do, but I'm going to help you" Dana said before standing from the couch, he took the poster from my hand and held it out to examine it. "You know this is basically done, while you wait for Benji why don't I make us some chicken tenders?" He asked giving me a cocky smirk because he knows how I love the only thing he knows how to cook.

Fine but when bens here you better leave us alone to do our project," I agreed I know I shouldn't have. I'll regret it i'm sure but I still followed him into the kitchen.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2020 ⏰

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