The beginning

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" Aria! Aria! Has anyone seen Aria!". I could hear them searching for me...

I stared at my reflection in the mirror, washed my face. My hands were sweating, i could hear the fast pace of my heart. I was shaking... I couldn't do this.
" Aria, you can do this ... Remember the whole reason you signed up for this.Have faith....."
I told myself ...

I cant i cant i cant! Too many people. I have the illest stage fright.
When i was 7 i was in the school play. Even though i practiced day and night...
I ended up forgetting all my lines..
Not only that, but everything went dark.
Just the thought of it gave me shivers...

But i knew i had to do this... This was my last year in high school. I HAD to get over this. But i just cant. All the hard work and pressure I've put into this.
All the courage I've gathered, the thoughts I've put together. Trying to persuade myself..

But here i am... Hiding out in the bathroom,
Hoping they'll forget about me.
But wait, i just remembered...
Why does this always happen to me!
I cant disappoint them.
I could feel the tears starting to well up.

The door slammed open. One of my team members.
Kayla. She was a freshman. Ive gotten to know her through this competition.

"Aria! I was looking for you everywhere, we're up in 5, pull yourself together... We can do this."
" i cant! Im scared!"
" You can! Remember the reason you signed up for this. You're the reason we've gotten this far. Ok. You were the one motivating us. Telling us we can when we lost hope. So now its my turn to return the favor. You can do this!"
"You're right. Just give me a minute"
" make it quick we're almost up"
" okay....." With that she left.

Oh God please help me. Please help me through this. Stay by my side.
I closed my eyes tightly... One last time
" i can do this" I whispered.

Please let me know what you think
Any suggestions.
This is my first book.
So please don't judge too much. I respect opinions.
Thank You

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