The Test

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"Okay, class, this is your most important test so far this year. I won't tell you what it's for, but just trust me on this, all right?" My teacher said, passing out the test to every kid.
I smirked as I peeked at the paper on my lap. Oh, I was gonna ace this piece of crap. I had snuck into the classroom early that morning, found the answer sheet and copied all the answers.
Of course, I could've studied, but who does that?
"You have twenty minutes. Go!" She said, sitting back down at her desk.
I was walking up to her desk with my test five minutes later. "Miss Masters, are you sure you're done?" My teacher asked in astonishment.
"Yup. See you tomorrow, suckahs." I said, grabbing my backpack and walking out of the room.
As I walked through the hallways, I saw the school bully, Reese Wilkerson beating up another poor little smart kid.
I snickered and kept walking.
I made it home in about five minutes, but my home was nothing to be proud of.
My parents were killed in a drive-by shooting when I was three, so I lived with my older brother, his girlfriend, and their five year old daughter. Our house was probably the worst in the neighborhood, but hey, at least we had one.
"Hey, I'm home!" I yelled after walking in the door.
"Hey, Jaded! How was your day?" My brother's girlfriend, Pristine asked, giving me a hug.
"Eh, okay. I had some big test, but I'm not exactly sure why I had to take it. But I'm pretty sure I passed!" I said, smiling.
"That's great, girl! Okay, I have to run to the store, so can you stay with Guiliana?" Pristine asked, nodding at the little girl sitting on the couch watching Dora.
"Sure, Pris. See you later," I said, smiling. She waved and ran out the door. I dumped my backpack on the floor and sat next to my niece. "Hi, Guiliana. Okay, you're gonna keep watching Dora while I do my homework, okay?" I asked, digging around in my backpack.
She nodded and I started working. "Where's that damn folder-- Oh, here it is," I said, opening my pink folder. "Whoops," I said as a piece of paper fell out. "What's this?" I muttered, reading it. "'The upcoming test for the students in grade nine is to determine whether or not they can be moved into advanced classes.'"
I dropped the paper in shock and sat in silence for a minute. "Oh my god, I just made myself a gifted kid."

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