"You have no idea what I want," I argued.

"Fine then, tonight we'll just do regular stuff." She shrugged.

"Sounds like a plan."

After an hour of me sitting on the bed and silently watching TV, the closeness of our bodies was making the surrounding temperature incredibly stifling. It wasn't that Selena and I couldn't talk about things, but the physical relationship that we had was very high on the list of priorities. I had never been in this kind of situation before, where kissing was at the forefront. Usually, women wanted interaction through talking, but I guess Selena was different, although, something told me that she was the same.

The strange thing about all of this was that I could feel myself being attracted to her on more than a physical level. The kissing was amazing, but... I think I wanted more. I wanted to feel a connection with her emotionally and I know that made me sound like a girl, but Selena was quickly making me sense incredibly strong feelings. I cared for her as a friend, but each night I spent with her, my 'care' was growing into something stronger. I just didn't know how to go about telling her that.

"So, how was your day?" I asked when a game show went off. "I didn't see you."

"I was in therapy." She played with her fingers. "The doctors are coming in a couple days so Aro has to make me all pretty."

"What do you have to do?"

"Basically, the board comes to see how I'm developing and if I'm improving."

"You've been here for so many years, haven't they probed you enough?"

"Obviously not. Every time they visit, it's like I'm a caged animal. They just look at me and talk about me. It's disgusting." She shuddered, taking a bite of licorice. It was the same brand that I had given her that she claimed to hate. I hadn't seen her eat anything else sense. I don't know where she was getting all this candy from though because I surely wasn't giving her anymore. She must be smuggling it in.

"Are you socially ready to go out into the world?" I said loftily.

"God, no. I would be a wreck."

I looked Selena up and down. She seemed pretty okay to me. Of course, I knew she had problems, but was she really that messed up? I wanted to understand her more and get her talking. She was very against speaking about herself, but I was going to crack the wall.

First and foremost, I needed to know about these kisses. What did they mean?

"I have a question," I stated dumbly.

"Shoot. I'm an open book. Ask and I'll answer."

"Really?" That surprised me.

"I have nothing to hide." Selena's leg bumped mine, and she didn't move it away. I had noticed that we were getting very comfortable with touching each other.

"What are we doing?" I asked.

"I'm confused."

"What is this?" I pointed between us.

Selena smirked wickedly. "Is all the kissing messing with your brain?"

"Well... yes. It's very strange. You seem to have this detachment with physical contact."

"Can't I just kiss you and we can leave it at that? We're friends."

"No we're not. Friends don't act like we do."

She seemed to be getting agitated with my questions, but I wasn't letting up. I needed answers.

"Why do you care?" She scowled at me.

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