I'm Alright

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Perrie's POV

"Ok Perrie we need to go to the shop" Zayn lifts my legs up off his lap

"What for" I moan

"Food" he looks at me pushing his eye brows up

"Can't you just go by yourself" I ask him

"Yeah sure, but if I don't get you anything you like or if I get stuff you don't like, don't blame me" he says the last three words high pitched as he walks out of the living room

I rest my elbow up on the back of the couch and rest my head on my hand and turn on some random TV show

I immediately get bored and can't find anything better to watch so I turn the TV off and grab my new favourite book 'The Perks Of Being A Wallflower'

After taking every word after word I was interrupted by the noise of keys hitting the table and plastic bags being placed on the floor

I groaned and put the book back on the coffee table, I got up and walked to the kitchen

I saw Zayn starting to put the stuff away

I searched through the bags looking for something to eat

"Zayn, why don't you ever buy decent food" I moan

"I told you, you could have came with me" he says not bothering to turn around

"Seriously! You didn't buy any chips!" I stand up throwing a cold bag of peas at his back

"Geez Perrie" he says picking the bag up

"What" I say turning around and sitting at the island bench top

"Just please don't take this the wrong way, but you need to stop being so.....cocky and up yourself" he says

I stare at him for a few seconds

I sigh as I get up and begin to walk to the front door

"Perrie!" He calls from the kitchen

I ignore him and grab my keys from the table next to the front door

I begin to close the door but he opens it

He grabs my wrist trying to pull me back

"Perrie don't" he says

I rip my wrist our of his grip

"LET. ME. GO!" I shout and run to my car

I get in with tears filling in my eyes

I begin to reverse out of my driveway and out into the street

The only reason I'm down is because of my dad

I just, I don't know what to do, so that's why I'm going to Liam's

He's the only one who knows

I pull up at his house

I park outside on the street and walk up to the gate

I press the button

'Hello?' Louis answers

'Hey is Liam there' I ask wanting a quick response because I don't know if you've realized it but I'm not really in the mood to talk

'Perrie? Is that you?' He asks

'Yes, is Liam there?' I ask again

'Umm he'll be here in like a few minutes because he texted me saying that he just left the gym' he responds

'Oh ok, I'll just wait then' I say

'No come in love, there's plenty of room' I feel him smirk as he says that

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