The Hunter - Chapter sixteen

Start from the beginning

"Are you going home?" Blake asked.

I shook my head. "I can't go there. I don't want to see my parents."

"You're welcome to stay with me."

"I've never..."

"Never what?"

"Spent the night with a guy before. I've always been with my parents. Two hundred years with them, every single day with them."

"Then I suppose you can enjoy your first night away."

He led me back toward town. I'd never asked about where he lived before. Did he live alone? His parents had died hundreds of years ago. He was completely alone.

He turned down a side street, the row of houses were large and beautiful. The one at the end of the street stood tall and statuesque. Ivy climbed the old brick walls and a black; wrought iron fence surrounded the property.

"That's your home?" I asked.



"How does your parents have so much money?"

"Collecting artifacts and antiques." I laughed.

"Exactly. I've held onto a lot of things from when I was younger."

He opened the front door and led me into a Victorian-esque living room. I felt as though I was transported by to the eighteen hundreds.

"It was my favorite time period."

"You've never updated?"

"Not my living room. Other parts of the house have some fairly newer furnishings. The dining table and chairs are from the twenties. They knew how to make quality dining room tables large enough for parties then."

"You have parties?" I questioned.

"Not anymore. I did at one time. Unfortunately the vampires I associated with then were not as keen with befriending humans as I was and some of my guests ended up as the main course for them. That was about when I moved closer to here. It's a shame it took me so long to find the town."

"Is there anywhere I can shower?"

"Bathroom is on the second floor, third door on the right. I'll bring you a shirt or something to wear."

"Thank you, Blake. I don't know I can thank you enough."

"Don't worry about it. I just want you happy."

The bathroom was incredible. A claw foot tub rested in the center of the room on gorgeous white tile. The feet of the tub and all the fixtures were titanium. I filled the tub with seaming hot water and enjoyed the time I had alone to soak. I with-drew from my thoughts by a knock at the door.

"I have a shirt for you. I'm leaving it on the bed in the room next door."

"Okay. I'll be out in just a moment." I quickly washed and climbed out, wrapping myself in a large, black, fuzzy towel. It was warm.

Why would a vampire have warmed towels?

The bedroom he had me staying in faced the backyard. Dogwood trees and flowers were everywhere. A huge pond off to the side had a small waterfall flowing into it with orange and white koi fish that skimmed the surface as I watched.

"Is it to your liking?" Blake asked, approaching the window.

"It's wonderful. Your home is so beautiful."

"It's lonely."

"I'm sorry, Blake."

"You don't have to be. Like I've told you, you saved me."

"I wish I could have saved you before you were turned."

"As much as I wish I weren't what I am, I'm glad I'm immortal now."

"Why?" I asked.

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't be here with you. You wouldn't have changed. I've dream of the day you'd be mine, and we'd save the world from the evil of the Guild."

I kissed his cheek and sat on the oversized bed. "Will you stay with me?"

"I'll be with you always."

"No. I mean tonight. Stay with me?"

"Of course."

I pulled the blankets back and curled up under them as he wrapped his arms around me, laying on top to keep me from being cold during the night.

"I love you, Blake."

"Do you?" he asked.

"More than I thought possible. If I'm going to have an immortal life, I'm glad it's with you."

"I love you, too, Alyssa. You make this vampire's immortal life much less lonely."

I drifted off to sleep, my cheek resting against his clothed chest. It was a mild chill. Something I had grown to look forward to and enjoy.

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