Chapter 2: The kind intruder.

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Jacobi's PoV:

I had no choice but to let myself into Jock's house. It was a big house and had a nice interior. The one thing that caught my eye, a large lump in the rug. I lifted it up, only to find a large-ish bag of a white powdery substance...cocaine.

This guy needs obvious help. I looked in his refrigerator for something to eat and drink. Alcohol, alcohol or...oh, alcohol.I slammed the door, this was hopeless.Then I heard rustling from the back of the house. Jock's house was on the borders of the dreaded werewolf territory.

"Who is it and what do you want?" I called out to the darkness. The sound of a lost puppy sulking.It was a fellow wolf.

"Look, I can help you if you just go outside and wait for the owner of the house to come and I'm sure he'll let you come in." I saw a shadow of a man.

"" It said.

"No it's not. Look I know where you can get—"

"Shut up Jacobi, it's me Jock."

"I'm sorry.I looked in the fridge and you had nothing to eat. When was the last time you had something to eat Jock?"

"I am fully aware of the fact that there is nothing in the fridge." He said, grabbing a bottle of scotch out of the fridge.

"The last time I ate was get the hell out of my house."

"Jock, I'm here to help you with your addictions."

"How 'bout you help me with ripping off both of your arms. Just get out of my house!" Jock was getting angry.

"Jock,there's no reason to get violent. This is only because you have missed this." I held out the bag of cocaine. His face grew darker with a thunderous expression.

"Give it back! That's not your cocaine!" He screamed at me, turning his open hands into a closed fist.

"Jock...just calm down. You don't want to kill me, you will proceed to be kicked out of your only job for the NYPD and will put a red mark against your name." I told him.It only took him about two bottles of the dammed poison to get him intoxicated.Two and a half to make him completely drunk.

" me a...minuet...and I'll" Jock drunkenly slurred and fell up the stairs we were bickering on. "Well...shit" He said as I offered a hand. ""

I was contemplating on leaving him to either pass out or choking in his own vomit. I looked at the state of the house and the innocence on his face as he blackedout. He seems like a good kid just hanging out with the wrong people, his own kind. I carried him up to his room, for a little guy, he was quite heavy. There was a knock at the door, at this hour, was most likely to be his boss.

"How may I help you sir?" I asked the man that stood outside the door.

"You are not Jock. Where is he?" The man demanded question.

"He's in bed at the moment, you'll have to see him later. Unless you are his boss. Then,yes, you can see him." I said.

"I am not his employer, but a family member wishing to see my older brother." I could tell he spoke the truth. So, I let him in.

"His bedroom is upstairs to the left." I said unaware of the imitate danger that was about to happen. "Oh, may I ask, what is your name?"

"Linkin."He said as he closed in on me.

A.n This was a short chapter, What do you think?

Let me know in the comments about the story and which would you  choose: Marvel or DC?

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Zeak Andrews out!

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