How Come You Are So Amazing?(A Liam Payne short fanfic.)

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Today Liam was comming home from his vaction with the lads. He had been away for a whole month in Hawaii with the lads to njust have some guy bonding time outside of work. He was comming home today. I'm so excited was all you could think of. Oh yeah sorry. I'm Emma Elizabeth Stokes. I'm 17 and Liam Payne's lovely girl. 

I heard the door open from the bedroom where I was sitting on the bed. Running faster than ever I ran to Liam and jumped into his arms. He scooped me up and gave me a kiss while still holding me bridal style. This was just perfect. He was perfect. 

"I missed you so so so so so much" I said giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Well I missed you more." He said in his deep, warm voice.

"I doubt it." I said being me.

He looked off for a second then looked back at me before planting the most passionate kiss on me. The kiss was a bit heated so I pulled away. The lookw I gave him was a look I wish I would have photographed because it was sop awesome. I gave him that look and he carried me over to the couch. There it got really heated. He layed me down on the couch before taking his place on top of me. 

The look in his eyes was hungry and happy. I then kissed him planning on giving him what he needed to satisfy his needs. He roughly kissed me as the friction of our bodys grew.  He broke away to take off my shirt and then resumed to kiss me roughly moving from my mouth, to my neck, and back again. Slowly I worked my hands up his shirt adn pulled it off. Now our stomachs were against each other. Both giving off amazing warmth.

Smiling he got off of me and picked me up. This time though he threw me over his shoulder adncarried me to our bedroom where the fun continued. That was one of the best nights of my life. The only words I remember saying before we continued in our bedroom were these.

"How come you are so amazing Mr. Payne?" I said with a serious look on my face but a playful meaning.

All he did was smile and give me the best night of my life.

How Come You Are So Amazing?(A Liam Payne short fanfic.)Where stories live. Discover now