A Justmine Story •Chapter 2:Communicating

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~Jasmines POV~

Sooooo,i forgot to mention that Justin&I did a duet called "Overboard" together when we were 16. Buuut that didn't last long because the fans started assuming that we were dating. Which i can understand why they'd think so,but no. So it all kinda ended there.

So today,i'm just laying in my bed,texting Justin. I really think i'm falling for him,but i can't because he's with Selena,and i'd be a horrible person to break them up. Selena's 2 years older,which sounds weird when you say "An 18 year old is dating a 20 year old" i mean,there's nothing wrong with that it's only 2 years,it just sounds wrong. When i think of 18 years old,i think of partying,drinking,having fun & all that. When i think of 20 years old,i think of settling down,getting married,be more conservative,or calm and collective. I just think of 2 whole different types of people,and i never imagine them becoming 1. Oh well🙌

I'm also on Instagram. I always get those,"You dress too inappropiately Jas.😒" But really,i don't care. I'm just being me. Today i'm just being lazy and wearing sweats,and a tank top. Not really planning for anyone to come over.😁 Justins phone died,and so now we're IMing on Skype. Selenas with him,he said.

***IMing convo***

Jazzybear: HEY!!!!😃

JustinBieber: lol,Hey.

Jazzybear: What's up?

JustinBieber: Working on a song i

wrote for Selena. Sometimes i just feel bad,like i'm treating her wrong.😔 I just wanna be the perfect guy.

Jazzybear: Awhhh!😊 That's so cute!!☺ I bet she'll like it. You're an amazing songwriter/Singer. Wayyy better than me. She's super lucky to have ya Biebs. 😛

JustinBieber: Thanks lol. So aren't you dating that Jinsu guy?

Jazzybear: HELL NO😠 I still have scars on my body because of him.😪 So now i'm #TeamSingle 😁👌

JustinBieber: Aw i'm sorry Jas.😰 but pleaaaase don't say #TeamSingle 😝 1.) Single isn't a team,it's one.

2.) It makes me think of all the lonely girls with no one there for them. And theres so many that they had to make a team😔

Jazzybear: lol. Well i mean,they'll find someone eventually i would hope.

JustinBieber: What about you? 😱

Jazzybear: I probably won't ever. lol

JustinBieber: Don't say that. You will. You're beautiful✨ Any guy would be lucky to have you.

Jazzybear: Awh thanks 😊

JustinBieber: Welcome haha. Well i should get going. Hmu soon though? We need to hang out more. Luv ya Jas😘😘 ( as a friend )

Jazzybear: xD love you too Biebs💋

~Justins POV~

I really,really like Jasmine. More than i should. I have a girlfriend,i should be focusing on her. Jas just seems so much more laid back tho. I really like that about her.😁 I gotta interview with Ellen in about an Hour. Gotta get ready.

Justin: *Tweets* Interview with @EllenDegenerous this evening !! Can't wait to see you guys. Love you😘 #Ilovemybeliebers

Justin:*Getting ready for interview*

Ellen: *Accidentally scheduled Jasmine & Justins Interview at the same time* *Calls Justin*

Justin: *Picks up* Hey! Ellen!

Ellen: Hey! Just called to tell you that i made a mistake and scheduled another artists and your interview at the same time😔

Justin: That's fine! What artist?

Ellen: Jasmine Villegas.

Justin: 🎉🎊SWAG🎉🎊🎉 I'll be there in 10 minutes. Cya soon! *hangs up*

~Selenas POV~

Justin just told me that Jasmine's gonna be at Ellens.😒 I really don't like that she's stealing Justin away. UGGHHHHHHH!😡 I'm done.

Selena: Justin no. We need to talk.

Justin: What'd i do?😔

Selena: Jasmine. She's taking you from me.

Justin: What? No. Selena she's just-


Justin: Please Sel don't cry😔 She's just a friend.

Selena: no she isn't. I'm not gonna wait around just so you can cheat on me. We're done. *Storms out*

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