Romeo And Romeo (boyxboy)

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"Goodmorning!" Nathan said in a sing-song voice.

"Hey." I said looking up at him. I was reading my favorite book. It's about a vampire that falls in love with a beautiful girl who is also a vampire. Cheesy right?

"I made cake earlier this morning." Nathan said entering the kitchen.

"It's seven in the morning so when did you bake it?" I asked. Who makes cake this early? For no reason too.

"About five. We're having new neighbors next door. A 18 year old boy and his 26 year old mom." He said taking out the cake. Chocolate cake,of course.

"What's so exciting about that?" I asked sitting at the kitchen table.

"I was thinking you could be friends with him. And I could maybe date the mom." He said with the weirdest face ever.

"Uh,no. Nobody likes me. And if you do date her,I'm not moving with her. I'll live on the streets." I sighed.

"People like you." He said sitting down next to me.

"You and Grandma don't count." I said looking away from him. It was true. Nobody liked me. Nobody.

"Hello? Is Nathan in there?" A lady asked knocking on the front door. Nathan got up to open the door,I followed behind him.

"Hello,Sarah." He said shaking her hand. Gross. He welcomed her inside so I just stepped outside. I took my iPod out from my pocket and played 'Don't Ask,Don't Tell' by Chelsea Grin. I started singing along since I was alone and didn't care if anyone heard me anyways.

"I love Chelsea Grin." A calm voice said to me causing me to jump a little.

"You scared me." I gasp looking at the tall,handsome boy. So this is him.

"Haha sorry. Oh I'm Wayne." He smiled holding out his hand. I shook his hand and smiled.

"I'm Daniel." I said awkwardly. I looked down at me feet and noticed I was shaking. It wasn't cold. I was probably nervous.

"So we are now neighbors." Wayne said slowly,

"Yup." I said still looking at my feet. I felt so nervous to talk to him. But I manage to look up at him.

"Can we be friends too?" He asks with a smile.

"Friends?" I ask confused.

"Yes,friends. You act like you don't have friends." He laughed.

"I don't." I whispered.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to say it like that." He said with a sad look.

"It's okay. And I sure,we can be friends." I smile hoping to cheer him up.

"Awesome." He smiles pulling me into a hug. I hug him back. Wow,he hugged me. And he wants to be my friend. Is this real? Am I dreaming?

"Can I see your phone real quick?" Wayne asks with puppy eyes. That is too cute!

"Sure." I smile handing him my phone. He looks like he's typing. And then he takes a picture of himself.

"Here. My number just so we can text and stuff." Wayne smiles handing me my phone. I smile and nod.

"Wayne let's go and start packing hun." His mom says walking outside with my brother. Their hair is messed up and their clothes are wrinkled. Did they have,sex? That's just nasty.

"Okay mom. Well see you later,Daniel." Wayne says before going to his house with his mom. I walk inside my house with Nathan.

"Did you guys have sex?" I blurt out.

"Yeah." Nathan laughs.

"Gross." I say pretending to choke.

"Jealous?" He says laughing his ass off.

"No way." I laugh and walk up to my room. It's only nine. Maybe I should meet up with Wayne in a little. He's really nice,cute,and funny. I like him...

New story :) it's gonna be fun to write ! Sorry I make chapters super short ;c

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