Chapter Two - I'll Catch You If You Fall

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Stevie's heart raced. There she was. Ally. Looking absolutely stunning. She was leaning against the wall of the cafeteria, sipping her drink, chatting to a tall male with dark hair. Damn. She was busy.

As Stevie turned to leave, she told herself it was better off that Ally was busy. Stevie would only make a fool of herself if she merely attempted to say a hello to Ally. She trudged to class, internally beating herself, annoyed at herself for her awkwardness.


Ally sipped at her green tea peach lemonade, leaning on the cafeteria wall, feeling the warmth of the winter sun on her face. As Danny told her about the new burger place in the city, she noticed movement out of the corner of her eye. She turned, only to catch a glimpse of some red hair, disappearing round the side of the building. Was it..? Yes, she was sure. It was that girl.

'Danny.' Ally panicked, hoping she would be able to catch the girl in time. 'I...I gotta go.' Ally grabbed her bag up from the sidewalk and dashed away, leaving Danny to wonder what had gotten to her. Ally was hardly ever flustered. What on earth had happened?

Ally was out of breath, red faced and sweaty by the she caught up to Stevie. Looking real good, she thought sarcastically to herself as she saw her reflection in a classroom window. But it was too late to back away now.

'Hey.' Ally called out. The girl turned, flicking her ombré hair over her shoulder. Ally smiled, extending her hand for a hand shake. 'I'm Ally. We met yesterday?' She tried hard to act casual, but she was sure she was doing the complete opposite.

The girl nervously smiled back, glancing worriedly around the quadrangle as if to make sure no one else was there, before taking Ally's hand and shaking gently. 'Stevie.'

Her voice was quiet and angelic; it was beautiful. Stevie held handshake for only a moment longer, but it seemed like an eternity to Ally. Her hand was soft and smooth, and her grip was gentle, yet comforting. Ally wanted to hold it forever, but instead, she cleared her throat and spoke.

'Um, so, we've got to get to class soon. I've got a lecture in the Montgomery Lecture Hall, you headed in the same direction?'

Stevie smiled. 'I'm in the Hall too. Want to walk together?'

'I would love to.'

It wasn't until then that Ally realised that they were still holding each other's hands. Stevie squeezed Ally's hand, before loosening her grip and letting go. Smiling, Ally looked up at Stevie, and for the first time in a long while, Ally felt happy.


In Biology the next morning, after Stevie went to collect the beaker she needed, her apron caught on the corner of the work bench. Before she could fall, a firm hand grabbed her shoulder to steady her. Stevie let out a shaky sigh of relief. That could have been messy. Looking up, she saw that it was Ally.

'You all right?' Her voice was low, smooth, and seductive, and she smelled sweetly of incense and vanilla; it was enticing. Her hand was still on Stevie's shoulder, warm and soothing.

'Yeah...thanks.' Stevie gave a little smile.

Ally's hand lingered almost a little too long on Stevie's shoulder, before she grinned, winked, and walked away, her dark hair swishing.

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