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I knew this was a dream so let me explain it . I was in a house well technically it was very old and looked like it was Very old since its condition was very poor. Bruce Banner was there . I knew it from the part of the movie when Natasha went to Bruce to come and help locate the tesseract . She handed him a device with a picture of the tesseract and spoke "this is the tesseract which has the potential energy to wipe out the planet . " Bruce looked at it and spoke , " what does fury want me to do? Swallow it? " " he wants you to find it . It's been taken " "anything else?" " yes Loki wasn't the only one to come out of the portal a girl probably 14 came out also " " And" " we don't know what she is who she is or anything about her . Fury want to get hold of her he thinks she knows something " they talked while Bruce got mad and slammed his fist just like in the movie on the table while Natasha immediately had her gunpoint end at him . I knew this was a vision and this was happening right now . Then everything stared to fade and I woke up .

I sat up and took a look around . It was a room . I saw and door and went up to it and twisted the knob except it didn't twist . I was locked . I looked airing the room there was a camera in the corner . I sat on the cold floor and waited .
The door opened to reveal agent Barton except he was under Loki's control . " You are coming with me . Loki wants to see you . " I internally smirked and spoke , " and what makes you think I will listen to you .?" He smirked and pulled out an arrow and notched it pointing it at me and spoke , " Think again " I sighed , " fine"he grabbed my hands and cuffed them and dragged me to a giant room with Dr.selvig , agents of SHIELD and some armed agents with huge guns . I also saw the tesseract in a machine with Dr.Selvig working on it . I saw Loki sitting somewhere . Clint took me to him .

I was so excited . This had to be the best day of my life . Seeing the badass Loki . It was a dream of a dream . I kept an emotionless face and faced him . He looked at me and spoke , " who are you ?" I smirked and replied ," Jane " He smirked and spoke, " you can't lie to the God of lies . Tell the truth " Silena " " why didn't you put me under your control by that scepter of your given to you by .." I shut my mouth quickly . He grabbed his scepter tightly and spoke ," Yes?" "Nothing"" I won't hesitate to kill you so speak " " Thanos" His face turned to disbelief and he hissed, " how did you know that ?" I kept my mouth shut . He brought out a dagger from the side of his boot and held it to my throat and spies calmly " speak or die " I gulped and spoke ," I saw you " His face showed disbelief but he knew I didn't lie . " you seemed to know what I was going to say back at the pathetic mortals base . How ? " "I won't tell you ." He smirked and plunged the dagger in my stomach . Golden blood began to come out , since I am immortal . I staggered back a bit but then the wound closed up and I smirked , " you can't kill me , I am immortal "

He smirked ," perhaps you were right about being immortal . If I can't kill you then I will control you . " my smirk faded and I backed up but three agents grabbed me and Loki moved his spear forward and it was about to touch my chest when I spoke , " wait " he stopped and spoke ," would you talk then ?"" Fine you want to know I know what is going to be happen I know a lot about you about SHIELD. About the tesseract . About your agreement with Thanos . About the chitauri . I can give you information . Just let me free . " His face showed disbelief and shock but then he spoke ," you do not lie . Tell me what my plans are next . " " you are going to go undercover and go to Germany to get something you are going to let shield capture you while they work at opening a portal "
He smirked and spoke," so you can tell the future . Very good . Very good indeed . Will you be allies with me ?" I thought about it and spoke ," what if I say no ?" " you would be under my control " I pretend to think and then spoke , " yes " he smiled and spoke , " you need to come with me . I believe you can keep me posted how to not fail with my plans , you shall be my personal advisor ." I smirked and spoke ," what are we waiting for then ? " I was so glad . Now you might think I will get my butt kicked by the black widow or captain America but no I learned Judo , taekwondo and karate classes . I was an expert against defending my self . I knew how to use a dagger also . I never liked guns . They were not my style and not at all . Plus I could always put my powers to use . Surprise huh? My dads experiment gave me power over fire and water . I could control water and could control fire or even turn into it . Fire didn't burn me . I never told my dad . I should have my privacy too shouldn't I ? Plus there's no way I am going to tell Loki .

       I went to a room and wore some tight clothes and strapped two dagger on Side of my boot and belt . This was all too good to be true ! I was looking forward to it !

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