Damaged Goods-Chapter 1

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Hey guys...this is the first chapter of my new story...havent finshed the chapter yet but will add to it later...

Tell me what u think..


I ran. I didn’t look back, I couldn’t look back. My arm was swollen and turning a horrific colour. My head throbbed. I could feel the warm, wet blood make its way down my face. I didn’t care. My heart felt like it had been smashed in to a million tiny pieces, slowly slicing my insides apart as I desperately tried to escape from the scene of my mother and father’s death. Dad, he just wanted to go for a drive in the country. So that’s what we did, until that large kangaroo jumped in front of our car. I remember my mother’s screams as our car flipped off the side of the road. I remember my father’s look of panic in the rear view mirror. I then remember looking at their blood covered bodies, lying on the inside roof of our tipped over car. How did I survive when my parents didn’t? I don’t know. I also don’t really know why I was running. I think it was instinct, to escape the heart break of reality. I don’t know where to go, or who to go to. I am nowhere near any form of town ship or houses, just acres and acres of a tree dotted grass canvas.


It’s been three months since the accident. Three months since I have been out of the house. Three months of rationing food and avoiding moving the window curtains, just in case someone saw me and got suspicious of the over grown lawn and lack of attention to the house. Three months since a single thought has entered my mind that wasn’t about their death. The way they died so suddenly and way too young. I know they have gone to heaven, how could they have not. What I don’t understand it, why them? Out of all the good people on this cruel earth why were they the chosen ones to be wiped away like small innocent bugs off a car windscreen? This had to end here. I made my way over to the kitchen draw and pulled out the sharp knife that mum used to once cut our meals with. I could see my reflection in its shiny surface. I felt a wave of disgust and self-pity sweep over me.  Looking at the sharp blade I pulled it closer to the thin amount of skin that covered my left wrist. As I opened my self, it didn’t hurt. Not one ounce of pain, yet I still screamed. I screamed out to my parents that left me here on earth and I screamed so that they would know I was coming to them. Finally we would all be together again.   


There was black all around me. I slowly summoned the strength to fight with my eyelids and open them. There was white. I could hear the beeping of machines around me exploded in my head. I looked to my right and saw a huge window. Outside looked flawless. Blue sky, green trees. I can see the sign indicating that I am inside the St Margret’s Hospital. Problem is, I don’t know who I am, where I am, or why the hell I’m here. A young male doctor walked into my room carrying a blue clipboard. He has jet black hair, a chiselled jaw and was quite tall-maybe 6”2. He walked over to the bed with a small smile lurking on his face. As he sat down my heart went to over drive. Where were they going to send me? What are they going to do to me?

“Hello Miss Jamie Williams” he said warmly. I forced a smile upon my face, I could tell he knew it wasn’t genuine. “No need to worry, I have good news. It seems over the past eight weeks your condition has improved and we are willing to release you from our care.”

“Great. Uh Doctor, what is my condition and do you know where I am supposed to go?” I asked cautiously. Don’t get me wrong, I would have tried to leave this place weeks ago if it wasn’t for the fact that I didn’t know the area or I had nowhere to go.

“Some old friends of yours will be picking you up this afternoon and you will be living with them. So just relax and everything will be taken care of.” He got up and headed towards the door.

“But what is my condition exactly. Why am I even here?” I asked again, desperately this time. He turned around with the same smile plastered on his face.

“Like I said, everything will be taken care of” he replied as he left the room. What the hell! Why doesn’t he tell me what’d going on? I took a deep breath and lay back on my bed and fell asleep dreaming of the road ahead that will start this very afternoon.  

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2011 ⏰

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