Nice to meet you

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With a very gentle smile on her face,she walk to the desk next to a girl named Mirane Miho.
"Hi,I'm Mirane Miho nice to meet you."says Mirane greet her with smile on her face.
"Hi,I'm Natsume Tetsuya nice to meet you too."respond Natsume while blushing..
"Hehe..I guess you still new with these surounding huh?"say Mirane smiling at her.
"Yeah..I'm still new afterall."smile at Mirane then take out her textbook out from her bag.
I saw Kaito seems to have interest in her..
"Hehh?? at the first sight huh?~" while lauging I look at Kaito face and his face turn red.
"Stupid!..t-thats not it!!"Kaito get mad right after I say that.
"Just kidding,don't be so angry~ anyway now about the trip?"I laugh a little then get back to the topic.
"Whats with it?"ask Kaito,He is confused for awhile..
"You go or not?"I ask him while look at him.
"I only go if you go.."reply Kaito while putting his textbook under his table.
Teacher stop writting on the blackboard and look at her students.
"Ok,everyone copy this in your book.And one more,our school going to have a trip to Mountain Minahiro.If anyone interested to go please give me your name and transportation fees" she told us before leaving the classroom.
-Recess Time-
"Hi girls!~"Says Kaito while walk toward Mirane and the new student Natsume.And I here standing like a log.
"Hi Kaito,Shin.So what up??"ask Mirane while looking at us.
"H-hi,I'm Natsume"says natsume blushing and looking at us.
"Hi,nothing just waiting for this person over here"look at Kaito and pat his shoulder then smile at the two girls.
"There's no need to be embarassed Natsume"Says Kaito while focusing his eyes on Natsume.
Natsume still blushing and reply "hai".
"Oi Kaito~I'm hugry already..lets go eat.."I look at Kaito.It just an excuse cause I'm bored of waiting him.
"Oohh..ok wait a sec,so you two girls gonna go to the school trip this year?"ask Kaito while look at them.
"Hmmm..I still thinking about it.How about you? Are you going?"reply Mirane.
"Yeah,Shin say he wanna go.So I just follow him" Kaito answers her.
"Come much longer you guys wanna chat? I'm hungry here you know??"while waiting for Kaito I found myself go to the cafeteria without waiting for him.
"Guess Shin is hungry,You guys should eat first.We continue after school"Mirane smile and waving at Kaito while walking with Natsume.
"Okay,see you after school then bye~*look around*heh?? Where is he!? He leave me!?" Kaito was searching for me but I am no longer there,I am at the cafeteria.He running as fast as he could to search for me..
-To Be Continue-

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