Chapter 1.The meeting in the forest

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Pov anonymous
Where are they?Uh... I hate when someone makes me wait!
I start walking up and down.
A swoosh happens
-Finally...-I chuckle-Good to see you,Yuki.
-I'm sorry Master.-says Yuki
Yuki-one of our team-the cuatro seis.
He Has purple hair.And bloody eyes.(from author:you'll find out more later)
-Don't worry Yuki-I say-Next time I'll just turn you into stone.-I begin laughing dreadfully.The whole forest trembles before me.
-I'm dreadfully sorry Master Saru!It will never  happen again!
-I hope so!-I continue laughing.-For your stone sake!-The trees fall done as I laugh.
Black clouds cover the sky.Storm takes its place.
A woman appears.She has white hair and Angel eyes.Her name is:
-Angelica!-yukishouts happily
-Hello Yuki.-Her tone is Angels.-Master Saru.
She bows before me.
I smirk.
-why hello Angela(from author:for short).-I say.
Just then a Tornado appears.As soon as the wind stops a mans silhouette shows.He comes forth.
-Master Saru.Its been a while-He says and bows smirking.
-It's certainly has.Time truly flies by.-I answer to him.
-Glad you could make it Gray.-Says Angelica.
-However this is not the point of our lovely reuniting.-I chuckle.-Now that the cuatro seis is here,I can tell you all the point.
I do a pause.Those three are looking at me, like children on a grandad who is telling an interesting story.Yuki,Ange and Gray are still looking on me.
-It's about the Phoenix slayer.
They all look at each over in amazement and not understanding.
-How can that be?!-Asks Gray.-I thought they're all dead!
-I thought that the Kurashi seis destroyed them.
-Yeah!-Joins in Yuki
-Well they missed one.-I say naturally.-But..,The cuatro seis are gonna beat her up and take her power for themselves.So,are you in?-I ask
-Sounds like a good idea.-Nodded Gray
-If Grays in,so am I.-Agrees Angela
-I'm in!-shouts Yuki
-Good...-I say.-We start searching for her...Now!
A swoosh of wind,Tornado and a storm take three people away from this usually quiet forest.
I chuckle.Id better get going.
Authors PoV
Then ... BOOM! A dragon flies by.Saru jumps on to his back.The dragon does a huge ROAR and disappears.
That's how the story of Mia Skyfall begins.
End of Chapter 1.
     Abigail or Kolly

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